Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

Vision & Mission


CISESS performs collaborative research aimed at enhancing NOAA’s ability to use satellite observations and Earth System models to advance Earth System science, including monitoring, understanding, predicting, and communicating weather and climate information to stakeholders.


CISESS conducts research, education, and outreach programs in collaboration with NOAA to:

  • Develop innovative applications of national and international satellite observations and to advance the transfer of such applications to enhance NOAA operational activities;
  • Investigate satellite observations and design information products and applications to detect, monitor, and understand the impact of earth system processes on coastal and oceanic ecosystems;
  • Identify and satisfy the satellite climate needs of users of NOAA climate information products, including atmospheric and oceanic reanalysis efforts;
  • Improve climate forecasts on scales from regional to global using satellite-derived information products;
  • Develop and advance regional ecosystem models, mainly aimed at the Mid-Atlantic region, to predict the impact of climate variability on ecosystems;
  • Establish and deliver effective and innovative strategies for articulating, communicating, and evaluating research results and reliable climate and earth system information to targeted public audiences.


P: 301-405-5397 | F: 301- 405-8468
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