Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

CICS-MD Scientists to Present New Climate Vulnerability Index


CICS-MD Scientists Melissa Kenney and Michael Gerst will present findings supporting their recently completed "Climate Change Variability/Vulnerability Index” in a complimentary webinar, hosted by software firm and project partner Resilinc, at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8. Register via The 90-minute program will explain the index and its supporting data. This index and related tools will allow business managers to shift from a “traditional disaster management” approach characterized by a narrow response planning scope for episodic, time-limited events to a “climate change management” approach based on continuous, short- and long-term time horizons and planning scopes. The index blends temperature and precipitation data from large-scale historical databases spanning 19 years with production-location risk data and real-time satellite data, much of which is provided by NOAA.


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