Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

CICS-MD Welcomes Summer Interns

June 11, 2018 12:25 PM
Interns & Mentors
© Berbery

by Patrick Meyers

CICS-MD welcomed over 15 students to participate in its 5th annual Summer Intern Program.  Two recipients of the prestigious NOAA Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship are working with NOAA scientist Scott Rudlosky in support of the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (Will McQuire – Penn State and Allie Mazurek – Univ. of Georgia).  A majority of students are undergraduates from the University of Maryland, pursuing degrees in atmospheric, oceanic, and social sciences (Brandon Bush, Tyler Richman, Chris Smith, Jackson Hill, Beatrice O’Connor, Deseret Weeks, and J. Daniel Teodoro Morales) along with one UMD graduate student (Anton Karpovich).  Several graduate students from NOAA CREST are collaborating with NOAA scientists to advance their graduate research (Stephany Paredes Mesa, Yoribaldi Oliva, Ysabel Banon, Christorpher Bombach, and Arun Ravi), and two students from local high schools are learning the principles of academic research (Vanessa Gomes and Melvin Gonsalves). The summer research program relies on the CICS-MD mentors (Scott Rudlosky, Pat Meyers, Ralph Ferraro, Melissa Kenney, Kayo Ide, Michael Peterson and Hugo Berbery) who guide their students through the challenges of earth system sciences and prepare them for careers to advance NOAA and CICS objectives.


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