Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

Fangfang Yu Presents at the 2022 SPIE Meeting

The IR radiance at stable detector temperatures from the three ABI instruments on-board GOES-16/17/18 satellites are all well calibrated, when compared to the reference hyperspectral measurements.

CISESS Scientist Fangfang Yu from the STAR GOES-R cal/val support team attended the Earth Observing Systems XXVII Conference of the SPIE Optics + Photonics Meeting on 21–25 August 2022 in San Diego, CA.  On 24 August 2022, she delivered an oral presentation, “On-orbit radiometric calibration performances of GOES-16/17 ABI IR channels”, co-authored with Xiangqian Wu (NOAA sponsor, STAR/SMCD/SCDAB), Hyelim Yoo (CISESS) and Haifeng Qian (CISESS). This talk summarized the overall calibration and validation performances of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) radiometric on-board the current in-orbit GOES-R satellites, including the major impacts of the calibration events on the ABI Infrared (IR) radiances.  She also co-authored another presentation “Operational calibration of GOES ABI visible and near infrared channels,”given by Xiangqian Wu. These two papers comprised the session on GOES-R ABI Calibration at the conference.


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