Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

Martiny Participating in this Year’s Bio-GO-SHIP Cruise


CISESS Consortium Scientist Adam Martiny (UCI), the task leader of “UCI Bio-GO-SHIP - A Global Analysis of Large-Scale Changes to Ocean Plankton Systems” hit a delay last year when the BIO-Ship had a COVID-related cancellation. He is currently on this year’s cruise. The goal of the voyage is to:

  • Collect multiple chemical and biological datasets (see figure below);
  • Develop data standards and best practices for integration with existing repositories;
  • Assess impact of large-scale hydrographic changes on near-surface ocean plankton community composition and traits; and
  • Investigate relationships among euphotic zone plankton community structure, the vertical particle size distribution, and carbon export.


For more information, go to the NOAA GOMO website at​s-to-study-plankton-and-ocean-processes



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