Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

Alexey Mishonov

Alexey Mishonov is a researcher with extensive experience in various fields of oceanography including ocean color (satellite, aircraft, and ship-based measurements), water transmissivity, particulate organic carbon research, and oceanographic data management and analysis. He has participated in development of a remote sensing algorithm for particulate organic carbon estimates based on ocean color data and has published several papers on this topic. His work has been supported by National Science Foundation and Office of Naval Research, Department of Environment and Transportation and The Royal Society (both - United Kingdom), and NATO. In his current position of CICS-MD Visiting Research Scientist stationed at NOAA/NESDIS/NODC, he is working on the World Ocean Database (WOD) and World Ocean Atlas (WOA) — the largest ocean data repository and most important products of the Ocean Climate Laboratory. He is involved in analysis and quality control of data from various data providers all over the world for updating WOD & WOA, data dissemination, and publication of the scientific results.


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