Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

Yongzhen Fan

Yongzhen Fan is a visiting assistant research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS) at the University of Maryland, College Park. He received his B.S. degree in Electrical Science from Xi’an University of Science and Technology in China and received a M.E. degree in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. degree in Physics from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. His Ph.D. research focused on application of the radiative transfer theory to satellite remote sensing of ocean color. He is also an expert on machine learning techniques and developed the multi-sensor data analysis platform Ocean Color - Simultaneous Marine and Aerosol Retrieval Tool (OC-SMART) based on multilayer neural networks driven by extensive radiative transfer simulations of the coupled Earth atmosphere and ocean system. He joined CISESS/ESSIC in 2020 to work on the snowfall product retrieval from multiple passive microwave sensors by improving the radiative transfer simulation and using machine learning techniques.

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