Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

Two New Sessions Announced for AGU Fall Meeting

July 17, 2015 10:36 AM

CICS-MD Scientist Isaac Moradi is convening two new sessions for the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting:

Abstracts are due August 5.

Calibration and Validation of Satellite Microwave, Infrared, and Solar Reflective Observations

Session ID#: 8604
Session Description: Satellite observations from passive microwave, infrared and solar reflective instruments play a very important role in weather forecast and climate assessments. However, these observations are subject to errors and uncertainties such as sensor degradation, calibration drift and geolocation error. This session supports all activities related to calibration, validation, bias correction, inter-calibration, and geolocation correction of the observations from passive microwave, infrared and visible instruments including, but not limited to, MODIS, HIRS, CRIS, AIRS, IASI, AMSU, MHS, TRMM, GMI, ATMS, SAPHIR, AMSR, SSMI, SSMI/S, VIIRS, AVHRR and similar space-based instruments. In addition, this session covers similar activities that are used to validate products that are retrieved using these observations.

Abstracts are due August 5.


Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) and Data Assimilation

Session ID#: 9042
Session Description: Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) refer to experiments where simulated observations are used instead of real observations. In this case, observations are simulated using atmospheric state and surface variables from a free-running Earth System Model (ESM), known as “nature”, and forward operators, e.g., a radiative transfer model for simulating satellite radiances. Since the truth, the nature, is perfectly known for the OSSE experiments, OSSEs can be used for a large variety of experiments. This session covers all aspects of the applications of OSSEs including, but not limited to,

  • Validation of free-running ESM or “Nature run"
  • Simulation of different observations from "Nature run" including discussions around forward models
  • Assimilating data from future instruments using OSSE experiments
  • Evaluating different data assimilation technique using OSSEs
  • Investigating the impact of new data types on data assimilation using OSSEs

Abstracts are due August 5.


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