Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

CISESS Summer Interns Share their Summer Accomplishments


This summer, CISESS mentored 22 interns and also worked with four NOAA interns. Of the CISESS interns, three were graduate students, 14 were undergraduates and five were high school students. Scientist Daile Zhang had three interns (Terrence Pierce, Alex Friedman and Domenic Brooks) who worked on her CISESS Seed Grant-funded project on to build and deploy tools to better observe lightning. Hu Yang and Jun Dong had two interns for their Radiometer Lab – Chao-Wei Tu and Zhouyu Yang. Guanyang Fang mentored two students, Ashmita Pyne and Damian Figueroa, on his project to conduct real-time NOAA weather and climate product analysis in virtual reality. Lin Lin also had two students, Zichao Liang and Clarence Lam, who worked with artificial intelligence/machine learning for tropical cyclone intensities and satellite images.  Jifu Yin had three interns working on different aspects of soil moisture (Agnes Liu, Jessica Zhou and NOAA Intern Stephanie Marquez). Some of the other interns and their projects included:

  • Kaley Du, Supporting the STAR Satellite Global/Regional Validation Sites (GReVS) System Development for VIIRS Imagery Quality Evaluation (Mentor: Xi Shao);
  • Liem Nguyen, Creating an Automation Program Linking NOAA Projects to NCEI Archive for the North American Coastal Climatologies (Mentor: Liqing Jiang);
  • Seung Joon Rhee, Feature Detection in the VIIRS images With Machine Learning Techniques (Mentors: Bin Zhang & Xi Shao);
  • Yucheng Shao, Developing a Machine Learning Snowfall Detection Algorithm for the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) (Mentor: Yongzhen Fan);
  • Vivek Agarwal, Snowfall Rate Product Interactive Website and Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Process Snowfall Rate (Mentor: Jun Dong);
  • Linfred Kingston, Assessment of ABI Image Registration with a Deep Learning Method (Mentor: Fangfang Yu);
  • Rida Kahn, Developing a Deep Learning Model to Predict ATMS Brightness Temperatures on Land (XingMing Liang); and
  • Lukas Ozpaker, Investigating the Potential of CoCoRaHS Network for NOAA Satellite Precipitation Product Validation (Mentor: Malarvizhi Arulaj).

On August 24, 19 of these students (18 from CISESS and 1 from NOAA) presented the results from their summer projects at a special seminar on Zoom. The students were funded this summer from Task I funds and were so productive that 14 of them will be continuing on CISESS task grant funding in the Fall, including one of the NOAA interns, Madison Lytle.


Some of the more than 40 participants at the CISESS Summer Intern Celebration on August 24.

All of the CISESS interns have prepared single-side summaries of their project, which are available on the CISESS Website:




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