Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

TV Appearances by CICS-MD Scientists

July 1, 2014 10:17 AM
Russ Dickerson on TWC News

During the last week of June, CICS-MD scientists lended their expertise to keep the public informed on key weather and climate issues.

CICS-MD & NOAA Scientist Scott Rudlosky was interviewed by NBC 4 (Washington, DC) to discuss improvements in weather forecasting from the DC Lightning Mapping Array. This was only one of several events held for Lightning Safety Week. You can view the video on our Outreach/Public Events page.

CICS-MD Scientist Russ Dickerson was interviewed as part of a Time Warner Cable News (Austin, TX) special report on air quality. This was prompted by NASA's release of NO2 measurements over the last five years from the OMI instrument on the Aura satellite.These show a dramatic decrease in the pollutant over the United States, particularly over the east coast due to EPA regulation of power plants and car emissions over this period. You can view the video at the TWC News Website.


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