
CICS-MD and CISESS Annual Report Form

To begin your annual report submission, fill out the your name and email below. Then enter a Task Code and/or the Title of your CICS Project from the proposal.

Task Highlight

Please write one or two sentences that describe your accomplishments on this task over the last year. This summary appears in the Executive Summary of the Annual Report. It is required for all CISESS tasks that were funded in the last fiscal year.

EXAMPLE: "CICS-MD Scientists Jun Wang and Barbara Smith collaborated with NOAA Scientist Jason Ngan develop a new hail detection algorithm that has been integrated into the current operational algorithm and weather forecast model."

Heading Information

Please complete enter your NOAA sponsor or funder and their office (e.g., NESDIS STAR SMCD).

If your report is for CICS-MD work, please skip the next two questions.

If your report is for CISESS work, please skip the next two questions.

The rest of this form is for both CISESS & CICS Reports. Please choose one answer from the multiple choice options.

For more information on the NOAA mission, go to

Performance Metrics

Please enter your numbers for the performance indicators below. These numbers should be explained in the text of the report under the appropriate heading (e.g., Publications, Presentations, etc.).

Submit Report Text and Graphics: template

Please submit your report below. The report should be 2 to 4 pages with up to two graphics, using the template above. It should be below the 20 MB limit for upload.

Submit PowerPoint Slide: template

Please submit your PowerPoint slide below, using the template above. It also should be below the 20 MB limit for upload.

After you hit "Submit," you will be redirected to the Submission Confirmation Page. It has a link to a new blank Annual Report Form if you have another report to submit.  You will also receive an email to confirm your information, report file and/or summary slide have been received.


Contact Debra Baker if you have any problems with this form or the upload. If you cannot solve your upload issue, please use the Annual Report Drop Box. (If you use the Drop Box, remember to submit this form for your header and performance metrics data).

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