In-State Travel/Out-of-State Travel/Foreign Travel
COVID-19 Travel Restrictions:
During the current phase of the pandemic, additional travel restrictions are mandated by the University. For U.S. domestic travel (outside DC-Maryland-Virginia), you may conduct essential and non-essential domestic travel if you are fully vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated but are compliant with the university's COVID-19 requirements, you may conduct essential travel only. If you are not in compliance with the university's COVID-19 requirements you will not be authorized for travel.
International travel (outside the United States) using university-controlled funds is not permitted without an exception from the Dean or Vice President. If you want to apply for an exception at ESSIC/CISESS:
Submit a TAR at least 4 weeks before travel with a detailed justification.
After approval by your by the Task Leader/Sponsor and Account Manager, your TAR will be forwarded to ESSIC Associate Director Ralph Ferraro.
Ralph will submit the request on your behalf to the Dean’s office (please do not email the Dean or Provost directly).
You (and your Account Manager) will be notified by Ralph if your international travel has been approved.
Your Account Manager will let you know when you can begin working with Travel Leaders Corporate to book your travel.

Travel Approval:
Travel Approval Request (TAR) Instructions
All travelers must submit a travel approval request – at least 3 weeks prior to traveling domestically and 6 weeks prior to traveling internationally - by completing a Travel Approval Request (TAR) on the EBO site.
When completing the TAR enter ALL of the estimated travel expenses; including meals, lodging/hotel, ground transportation (taxi/shuttle/bus/metro), auto rental, parking, tolls, registration fees, and personal auto mileage.
All federally funded travel must comply with the Federal Travel Regulation and the U.S. Fly America Act
Travel Reimbursement:
Travel Expense Statement (TES) Instructions
In order to be reimbursed for travel expenses, employees upon return from travel must complete and submit a Travel Expense Statement with receipts. Receipts must be provided to verify that the travel services purchased were used for the approved traveler, dates, and locations for which official travel was approved. Receipts also document the actual cost and payment of each expense.
For more information, please contact Dawuad Murray.