


CISESS has the following governance structure.

Executive Council

The CISESS Executive Board comprises senior officials representing the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP), North Carolina State University (NCSU) and the University of North Carolina (UNC) System, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). There are three representatives from UMCP, three from NCSU/UNC, and four from NOAA.

The Board provides direction to CISESS leadership on strategic and executive issues. While the Board emphasizes managerial issues, it is composed of scientists with relevant and extensive expertise, who offer constructive high-level advice regarding CISESS progress.

Council of Fellows

The CISESS Council of Fellows is the primary planning and consultative body for CISESS and provides scientific advice to the Directors. Council members are drawn from CISESS task leaders, NOAA collaborating scientists, and other eminent scientists from CISESS partners and Consortium members.

The CISESS Council of Fellows advises the CISESS leadership on research needs and opportunities related to CISESS research themes, including but not limited to those at NOAA, CISESS (both campuses), and consortium academic institutions. The membership of the permanent Council includes approximately 36 CISESS and NOAA scientists who are familiar with CISESS research, meets at least annually to consider the CISESS research portfolio. Focus groups drawn from the Council, and including NOAA managers where appropriate, are charged with evaluating CISESS interaction with its NOAA partners and identifying innovative research opportunities.

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