

CICS-MD Issues its Summer Circular

July 26, 2018 08:28 AM
June 2018 Circular

The biannual circular produced by CICS-MD was released today. This issue features articles the latest research of CICS-MD Scientists Xiaolei Zou and Michael Folmer:

  • Xiaolei Zou - Impact of Bending Angle Measurement Uncertainty on Radio Occultation Data Assimilation in the Tropical Lower Troposphere; and
  • Michael Folmer -Tracking Saharan Dust Using New Satellite Tools

As CICS-MD Director Hugo Berbery notes in his Message:

"The two notes in this circular present examples of how links between basic science and operations are being developed: The first note shows the integration of satellite data into assimilation systems, and the second presents efforts to increase the creation of advanced satellite products for forecast operations. In a way, these reports reveal how CICS has matured as it is reaching its tenth year of collaborations with STAR/NESDIS."

Electronic copies are available here. For printed copies, contact Debra Baker,, 301-405-5397. To see past issues of the newsletter, click here.


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