CICS-MD SBN Antenna Installed
March 4, 2016 08:29 AM
Following nearly three years of effort, a NOAAPORT Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN) antenna, receiver, and server have been installed at CICS-MD. The NOAAPORT will provide nearly identical feeds to those received at National Weather Service (NWS) offices, allowing CICS-MD to simulate operational environments for the first time. This equipment is integral to the planned CICS-MD Proving Ground and Training Center, which will promote interactions between scientists, students, and forecasters. CICS-MD will help to develop and visualize existing and new products within the AWIPS software. Training also will be developed to accompany any products that we implement. According to Project Director Scott Rudlosky, These satellite proving ground activities help promote the use of satellite products among operational forecasters, and also allow for direct collaborations between CICS-MD students/scientists and operational forecasters.

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