
Andrew Badger

Drew Badger is a CISESS scientist at NOAA's Climate Prediction Center working on the advancement of drought prediction through the use of the Noah-MP land-surface model and in-situ observations.  Formerly, Drew has been affiliated with GESTAR (NASA GSFC and USRA), CIRES and CU-Boulder where his projects have covered a range of hydrologic cycle components; including hydrologic ground validation of GPM measurements using SMAP, southwestern US megadrought, drought predictability in future climates using CMIP5 data, streamflow generation in alpine catchments, changes in land-atmosphere interactions due to land-use change, and many other collaborative efforts to better understand the hydrologic cycle.  Drew received his B.S. in Meteorology from North Carolina State University (2010) and a Ph.D. in Climate Dynamics from George Mason University (2015). Drew enjoys spending time outdoors, cooking, reading and is an avid fan of the NC State Wolfpack, Carolina Panthers and Washington Nationals.

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