
Yan Bai

Yan Bai is a senior faculty specialist at the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS), the University of Maryland at College Park, MD.  She has been supporting the VIIRS sensor science team since the launch of Suomi NPP in 2011 in several technical areas, including Suomi NPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS image data quality analysis using ENVI and other software packages, geolocation monitoring of the VIIRS Day/Night Band using point sources, and radiometric stability monitoring using night time deep convective cloud time series, satellite orbital analysis and animation using the Satellite Toolkit (STK), VIIRS instrument 3D model enhancement and maintenance using Blender with 3D printing capabilities. She is also well experienced in dynamic web design and development using PHP, CSS and Javascript as well as graphic design using Adobe Creative suite, Gimp. She received her MS degree in Information System from Southeastern University in Washington DC, and BA degree from Capital Normal University in Beijing.

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