

CICS-MD Book Chapters 2014-2019

Baker, Barry, 2018: Model and Observation Evaluation Tool (MONET) Version 2,

Bai, Yan, 2015: Day/night band from night light point source observations. Earth Observing Systems XX, James J. Butler; Xiaoxiong (Jack) Xiong; and Xingfa Gu, Eds., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9607, 960727

Bai, Yan, Changyong Cao, Xi Shao, and Wenhui Wang, 2014: Suomi NPP VIIRS calibration knowledge base for SDR data quality assurance, anomaly investigation, and EDR applications. Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and Characterization III, Xiaoxiong Xiong; Haruhisa Shimoda, Eds., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9264, 92641M

Benfield, M., M. Chierici, K. Cooerman, R. A. Feely, C. Hagebro, J. M. Hall-Spencer, D. J. Hydes, S. Hjalmarsson, H. M. Jensen, L.-Q. Jiang, C. Kivimae, A. De Kluijver, A. Kozyr, E. Mcgovern, J. R. Larsen, S. Mesuck, M. C. Nielsdottir, S. Olafsdottir, A. Olsen, H. Parner, D. J. Pearce, B. Pfeil, B. Phelan, H.-O. Portner, J. M. Roberts, M. Sorensen, T. Tanhua, K. Vorkamp, P. Walsham, S. Weigelt-Krenz, P. Williamson, A.W. Wranne, P. Ziveri, 2014: Final report to OSPAR of the Joint OSPAR/ICES Ocean Acidification Study Group (SGOA). ICES, ICES CM 2014/ACOM:67, 141 pp.

Blonski, Slawomir, and Changyong Cao, 2016: Trade study of substituting VIIRS M10 with aggregated I3 to enable addition of a water vapor channel, James J. Butler, Xiaoxiong (Jack) Xiong and Xingfa Gu, Eds. , Earth Observing Systems XXI, Proc. SPIE 9972, 99721M,

Blonski, Slawomir, Changyong Cao, Xi Shao, and Sirish Uprety, 2014: VIIRS reflective solar bands calibration changes and potential impacts on ocean color applications. Ocean Sensing and Monitoring VI, Weilin W. Hou and Robert A. Arnone, Eds., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9111, 911106,

Boyer, T.P., O.K. Baranova, C. Coleman, H.E. García, A. Grodsky, R.A. Locarnini, A.V. Mishonov, C.R. Paver, J.R. Reagan, D. Seidov, I.V. Smolyar, K.W. Weathers, M.M. Zweng (2018), World Ocean Database 2018. A. V. Mishonov, Technical Ed., NOAA Atlas NESDIS 87.

Campbell, Patrick, Bash, Jesse, & Spero, Tanya. (2018 October 27). An Updated Noah Land Surface Model in WRF-CMAQ to Improve Simulated Meteorology, Air Quality, and Deposition (Version WRFv3.8.1-CMAQv5.2). Zenodo.[Software].

Cao, Changyong , Yuqing Zong, Yan Bai, Xi Shao, 2015: Preliminary study for improving the VIIRS DNB low light calibration accuracy with ground based active light source. Earth Observing Systems XX, James J. Butler; Xiaoxiong (Jack) Xiong and Xingfa Gu, Eds., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9607, 96070D

Cao, Changyong, Slawomir Blonski, Wenhui Wang, Xi Shao, Tayoung Choi, Yan Bai and Xiaoxiong Xiong, 2014: Overview of Suomi NPP VIIRS performance in the last 2.5 years.  Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and Characterization III, Xiaoxiong Xiong and Haruhisa Shimoda, Eds., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9264, 926402

Cao, Changyong, Slawomir Blonski, Wenhui Wang, Sirish Uprety, Xi Shao, Jason Choi, Erin Lynch and Satya Kalluri, 2018: NOAA-20 VIIRS on-orbit performance, data quality, and operational Cal/Val support,Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and Characterization V, Volume 10781, 107810K,

Cao, Changyong; Erin Lynch and Bin Zhang, 2018: Traceability and consistency of COSMIC radio occultation in comparison with NOAA-20 CrIS infrared sounder observations,Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and Characterization V, Volume 10781, 10781U,

Chai, T., P. Lee, L. Pan,H. Kim, and D. Tong, 2014: Building and testing atmospheric chemistry reanalysis modeling system. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIII, D. Steyn and R. Mathur, Eds., Springer Proceedings in Complexity, pp. 581-585, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04379-1_96

Chen, L. G., J. Gottschalck, R. Tinker, A. Hartman, D. Miskus, and A. Artusa (2019), Flash Drought Characteristics and Prediction, Climate Prediction S&T Digest, 43th NOAA Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Special Issue, 126-131.

Chen, Jin, Yuhan Rao and Xiaolin Zhu, 2018: Spatiotemporal Data Fusion to Generate Synthetic High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Satellite Images, in Remote Sensing Time Series Image Processing (Qihuao Weng, Ed., CRC Press, 243 pp.), pp. 65-88,

Chen M., K. Garrett and Y. Zhu, Advances in Land Surface Microwave Emissivity Modeling, JCSDA Quarterly, No. 65, 2019.

Chen, Yong, and Yong Han, 2015:Evaluation of different calibration approaches for S-NPP CrIS full spectral resolution SDR processing. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Milan, Italy, 2015, 2127-2130, doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326223

Choi, Taeyoung; J., Slawomir Blonski, Xi Shao, Changyong Cao, "Improving NOAA 20 VIIRS screen transmittance and solar diffuser BRF estimation from both Yaw maneuver and regular on-orbit data", Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10785, 1078516 (2018)

Choi, Taeyoung, Xi Shao, Slawomir Blonski, Wenhui Wang, Sirish Uprety, Changyong Cao, "NOAA-20 VIIRS initial on-orbit radiometric calibration using scheduled lunar observations", Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 11127, 111271Z (2019).

Crawford, A. , C. Loughner, and A. Stein, Modeled concentrations of volcanic ash due to resuspension at Hanford: final report, AFP-NOAA-REPORT-03, 2018.

Crawford, Alice, and Barbara Stunder, 2014: Report on preliminary quantitative dispersion output.  Report of the volcanic ash product development team (VAPDT) to the Federal Aviation Weather Division (Sept 26, 2014)

Devotta, Denise, Jacqueline De La Cour, Erick Geiger, Andres Gomez, Scott Heron, Gang Liu, Benjamin Marsh, William Skirving and C. Mark Eakin, 2019: Overview of the third global coral bleaching event (2014-2017). In: Kimura, T. Tun, K and Chou, L.M. (eds.) Status of coral reefs in East Asian Seas Region: 2018. Ministry of the Environment of Japan and Japan Wildlife Research Center, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 3-10,

Dutkiewicz, S., P. Chauhan, D. Ford, T. Jackson, E. Jones, S. Lavender, V. Martinez-Vicente, F. Mélin, M.-F. Racault, S. Sathyendranath, H. U. Solanki and G. Zheng, Requirements for Different Applications of Ocean Colour Data, Chapter 6, in IOCCG (2019). Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing. Mélin F. (ed.), IOCCG Report Series, No. 18, International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group, Dartmouth, Canada.

Eakin, C.M., Lough J.M., Heron S.F., Liu G. (2018) Chapter 4 – Climate Variability and Change: Monitoring Data and Evidence for Increased Coral Bleaching Stress. In M.J.H. van Oppen & J.M. Lough (eds.), Coral Bleaching: Patterns, Processes, Causes and Consequences 2nd Edition. Ecological Studies 233, Springer, Berlin. 356 pp.

Eakin, C. M., Gang Liu, A. M. Gomez, Jacqueline L. De La Cour, Scott F. Heron, William J. Skirving, Erick F. Geiger, Benjamin L. Marsh, K. V. Tirak, and A. E. Strong, 2018: Unprecedented Three Years of Global Coral Bleaching 2014–17, [in “State of the Climate in 2017”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (8), S74–S75 (Sidebar 3.1),

Ferraro, R. and T. Smith, 2014: Global Precipitation Monitoring. Integrated Satellite Applications for Monitoring Climate and Environmental Change, J. Qu and A. Powell, Eds.

Ferraro, Ralph, Gail Skofronick-Jackson, Yang Hong, and K. Zhang, Chapter 1: Precipitation, in Volume 4: Remote Sensing of Hydrological Cycle, inComprehensive Remote Sensing (Shunlin Liang, ed.) Elsevior, 2017

Fleming, E., J. Payne, W. Sweet, M. Craghan, J. Haines, J.F. Hart, H. Stiller, and A. Sutton-Grier, 2018. Coastal Effects. In Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA.  DOI : 10.7930/NCA4.2018.CH8

Garcia, H. E., R. A. Locarnini, T. P. Boyer, J. I. Antonov, O.K. Baranova, M.M. Zweng, J.R. Reagan, D.R. Johnson, 2014: Dissolved Oxygen, Apparent Oxygen Utilization, and Oxygen Saturation. . World Ocean Atlas, S. Levitus, Ed., A. Mishonov Technical Ed.; NOAA Atlas NESDIS 75, Volume 3, 27 pp.

Garcia, H. E., R. A. Locarnini, T. P. Boyer, J. I. Antonov, O.K. Baranova, M.M. Zweng, J.R. Reagan, D.R. Johnson, 2014: Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients (phosphate, nitrate, silicate). World Ocean Atlas, S. Levitus, Ed., A. Mishonov Technical Ed.; NOAA Atlas NESDIS 76, Volume 4, 25 pp.

Garcia H.E., T. Boyer, O.K. Baranova, R.A. Locarnini, A.V. Mishonov, C.R. Paver, J.R. Reagan, D. Seidov, I.V. Smolyar, K.W. Weathers, M.M. Zweng (2018), World Ocean Atlas 2018 (pre-release): Product Documentation. A. Mishonov, Technical Ed.

Garcia, H. E., K. Weathers, C. R. Paver, I. Smolyar, T. P. Boyer, R. A. Locarnini, M. M. Zweng, A. V. Mishonov, O. K. Baranova, D. Seidov, and J. R. Reagan (2018), World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 3: Dissolved Oxygen, Apparent Oxygen Utilization, and Oxygen Saturation. A. Mishonov, Technical Ed.

Garcia, H. E., K. Weathers, C. R. Paver, I. Smolyar, T. P. Boyer, R. A. Locarnini, M. M. Zweng, A. V. Mishonov, O. K. Baranova, D. Seidov, and J. R. Reagan (2018), World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 4: Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients (phosphate, nitrate and nitrate+nitrite, silicate). A. Mishonov Technical Ed.

GEO Blue Planet [E.A. Smail] (2018). What can the ocean tell us? Why ocean observation products and services are vital for us and our planet. URL:

Gerst, M.D., M.A. Kenney, A. Baer, J.F. Wolfingeret al. (2018) Identifying Users, Diagnosing Understandability Challenges, and Developing Prototype Solutions for NOAA Climate Prediction Center’s Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks. Report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Climate Prediction Center.

Gerst, M.D., M.A. Kenney, A. Baer, J.F. Wolfinger et al., 2017: Effective Visual Communication of Climate Indicators and Scientific Information: Synthesis, Design Considerations, and Examples. A Technical Input Report to the 4th National Climate Assessment Report.

Grassotti, C., S. Liu, Q. Liu, S. Boukabara, K. Garrett, F. Iturbide, and R. Honeyager, “Precipitation Estimation from the Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS)”, Chapter in book “Satellite Precipitation Measurement”, Editor in Chief Vincenzo Levizzani, Springer Publishing.

Greb, Steven, Daniel Odermatt, Emily Smail, Andrew Tyler and Guangming Zheng, Eds., 2017: Advanced Techniques for Monitoring Water Quality using Earth Observation. Koblenz, Germany: International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change.

Group on Earth Observations. [E.A. Smail]  (2019). “Oceans and Society: Blue Planet” Initiative: 2020 to 2022 Implementation Plan.

Gu, Yalong, Sirish Uprety, Slawormir Blonski, Bin Zhang, and Changyong Cao, "An improved algorithm for VIIRS Day/Night Band (DNB) high gain stage (HGS) dark offset determination", Earth Observing Systems XXIII, vol. 10764, p. 107641J. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.

Gu, Y., Uprety, S., Shao, X., Blonski, S., Wang, W., & Cao, C. (2019, September). Correction of detector nonlinearity induced striping in VIIRS day/night band nighttime imagery. In Earth Observing Systems XXIV (Vol. 11127, p. 111271T). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

He, Tao, Yi Zhang, Shunlin Liang, and Yunyue Yu, (2017). Developing hourly surface albedo product for GOES-R ABI, 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Fort Worth, TX, 2017, pp. 4703-4706,

Heron, Scott F., Ruben van Hooidonk, Jeffrey Maynard, Kristen Anderson, Jon C. Day, Erick Geiger, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Terry Hughes, Paul Marshall, David Obura and C. Mark Eakin, 2018: Impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage Coral Reefs: Update to the First Global Scientific Assessment. Paris, UNESCO World Heritage Centre,    

Hu, C., S. Sathyendranath, J. D. Shutler, C. W. Brown, T. S. Moore, S. E. Craig, I. Soto, and A. Subramaniam, 2014: Detection of dominant algal blooms by remote sensing. Phytoplankton Functional Types from Space, Sathyendranath, Shubha, Ed., International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG), Report Number 15,

Huang, Chengquan, VIIRS surface type Algorithm Theoretic Basis Document (ATBD) 2018 update (to reflect the current processing for generating the VIIRS GST ADP product).

Johnson, G. C., and James Reagan, 2017: Global Ocean–Salinity [in “State of the Climate in 2016”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98 (8), S69–S71 doi:10.1175/2017BAMSStateoftheClimate.1,

Johnson, G. C., James Reagan, J. M. Lyman, T. Boyer, C. Schmid, and R. Locarnini, 2018: Global Ocean–Salinity [in “State of the Climate in 2017”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (8), S77–S81,

Johnson, G. C.; James Reagan, J. M. Lyman, T. Boyer, C. Schmid and R. Locarnini, 2016: Global Ocean–Salinity [in “State of the Climate in 2015”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, S70–S74, doi:10.1175/2016BAMSStateoftheClimate.1

Kenney, M.A., A.C. Janetos, et al., 2014: National Climate Indicators System Report, National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee

Kenney, M.A., A.C. Janetos, et al., 2014: Pilot National Climate Indicators System Report, National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee, 155 pp.

Kim, H. C., H. Choi, F. Ngan, and P. Lee, 2014: Surface ozone variability in synoptic pattern perspectives.Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIII, D. Steyn and R. Mathur, Eds., Springer Proceedings in Complexity, pp. 551-556, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04379-1__91

Kongoli, C., S. Healfrich and R. Kuligowski, 2015: Satellite-based estimation of hydrologic components.  Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ecosystems, ICE 2015, Tirana, Albania, ISBN:  978-9928-4248-4-6

Lee P., L. Pan,H. Kim, and D. Tong, 2014: Intensive campaigns supported by air quality forecasting capability to identify chemical and atmospheric regimes susceptible to air quality standard violations,Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIII, Douw Steyn and Rohit Mathur, Eds., Springer International Publishing, 587-592, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04379-1__97

Lee, P., L. Pan, Y. Tang, D. Tong, B. Baker, H. Kim and R. Saylor, 2019: Performance Differences of the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability When There is a Major Upgrade in the Chemistry Modules,Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVI, Springer International Publishing, 249-253, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-22055-6_39

Lee, P., Atlas, R., Carmichael, G., Tang, Y., Pierce, B., Biazar, A.P., Pan, L., Kim, H., Tong, D. and Chen, W., 2016: Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) Using a Regional Air Quality Application for Evaluation.  Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIV, Douw G. Steyn and Nadine Chaumerliac, Eds., Springer International Publishing, 599-605

Lee, Pius, Barry Baker, Daniel Tong, Li Pan, Dusan Jovic, Mark Iredell andYouhua Tang, 2018: Dynamic coupling of the NMMB and CMAQ models through the U.S. National Unified Operational Prediction Capability (NUOPC). In Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV (Mensink C., Kallos G., eds.) Springer, Cham, #31, 195–200,

Lee, Pius, Daniel Q. Tong, Youhua Tang and Li Pan, 2018: Toward a unified national dust modeling capability. In Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV (Mensink C., Kallos G., eds.) Springer, Cham, #56, 353–360,

Liang, S., D. Wang, T. He,  Y. Zhang and Y. Yu, (2017). GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for Surface Albedo. NOAA/NESDIS, Version 2.2

Liang, S., D. Wang, T. He, Y. Zhang, Y. Yu and J. Peng (2018). GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) algorithm theoretical basis document for surface albedo. NOAA/NESDIS, Version 2.2.2

Lin, L., and C. Cao, 2019: The Effects of VIIRS Detector-Level and Band-Averaged Relative Spectral Response Differences between S-NPP and NOAA-20 on the Thermal Emissive Bands, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens., Special Issue on "IEEE 2018 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2018), 12(10), 4,123-4,130.

Link, J., H. Tolman, E. Bayler, C. Brown, P. Burke, J. Carman, S. Cross, J. Dunne, D. Lipton, A. Mariotti, R. Methot, E. Myers, T. Schneider, M. Grasso, and K. Robinson, 2017, High-level NOAA Unified Modeling Overview, NOAA Technical Memorandum,

Liu, Yuling, Yunyue Yu, Peng Yu and Heshun Wang, Ground Validation And Uncertainty Esitmation Of Viirs Land Surface Temperature Product, 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 6922 – 6925, Nov. 2016, DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7730806.

Locarnini, R. A., A. V. Mishonov, O. K. Baranova, T. P. Boyer, M. M. Zweng, H. E. Garcia, J. R. Reagan, D. Seidov, K. Weathers, C. R. Paver, and I. Smolyar (2018), World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 1: Temperature. A. Mishonov Technical Ed.

Lord, Stephen, A GrADS-based Diagnostic System (DS) Version 5.4 (28 February 2019): a User’s Manual and Technical Reference.  Available from the Task Leader.

McCabe, M., W. Kustas, M. Anderson, C. Kongoli, A. Ershadi, and C. Hain, 2014: Chapter 19: Global-scale estimation of land surface heat fluxes from space: Current status, opportunities and future direction. Remote Sensing of Land Surface Turbulent Fluxes and Soil Moisture, G.P. Petropoulos, Ed., Taylor & Francis, pp. 447–461

Merchant C., P. Minnett, C. Gentemann, A. Harris, G. Corlett, J. Hoyer, E. Maturi  (2019) “Taking the Temperature of the Earth: Chapter 2 – Global Sea Surface Temperature” Hulley, G. and Ghent, D. (Eds). Elsevier. 256pp.

Meyers, Patrick. The AMSR2 rain rate EDR Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document was updated to reflect the algorithm changes in GPROF2010V3.

Mills, Stephen, and Sirish Uprety, 2017: The impact and mitigation of airglow on VIIRS DNB calibration and geophysical retrievals, 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Fort Worth, TX, 2017, pp. 1296-1299,

Monaldo, F. M., NISAR Science Team Report: Ocean and Sea-Ice Applications of NISAR in an Operational Environment, Report to NASA, May 2018.

Monaldo, F. M., Sample Ice Motion Measurement, NOAA Report, January 2019.

Monaldo, F. M., Using Image Correlation to Measure Image-to-Image Motion, NOAA Report, January 2019.

Moss, R., P. L. Scarlett, M. A. Kenney, H. Kunreuther, R. Lempert, J. Manning, B. K. Williams, J. W. Boyd, E. T. Cloyd, L. Kaatz, and L. Patton, 2014: Ch. 26: Decision Support: Connecting Science, Risk Perception, and Decisions. Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, J. M. Melillo, Terese (T.C.) Richmond, and G. W. Yohe, Eds., U.S. Global Change Research Program, 620-647. doi:10.7930/J0H12ZXG

Motte, E., A. Egido, N. Roussel, K. Boniface et F. Frappart, 2016: Chapitre 4 : Applications du GNSS-R en hydrologie continentale.  Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection: Hydrologie continentale, Nicolas Baghdadi and Mehrez Zribi, Eds.,ISTE, 502 pp.

NISAR Science Team (including F. M. Monaldo), NASA-ISO SAR (NISAR) Mission Science Users’ Handbook, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 2019

NOAA. 2018. US Coral Reef Monitoring Data Summary 2018. NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum CRCP 31, 224 pp. doi:10.25923/g0v0-nm61.

Ohring, George, Peter Romanov, Ralph Ferraro, Andrew Heidinger, Istvan Laszlo, Cheng-Zhi Zou, and Mike Foster, 2014: Satellite observations of North American climate. Climate Change in North America, George Ohring, Ed., Springer International Publishing, 267 pp.

Ondrusek, Michael, Veronica P. Lance, Menghua Wang, Charles Kovach, Wesley Goode, Alex Gilerson, Sam Ahmed, Ahmed El-Habashi, Robert Foster, Matteo Ottaviani, Joaquim I. Goes, Helga de Rosario Gomes, Kali McKee, Joo Won Kang, Chuanmin Hu, Jennifer Cannizzaro, Shaojie Sun, David English, Bettye C. Johnson, Zhongping Lee, Junfang Lin, Nicholas Tufillaro, Ivan Lalovic, Jasmine Nahorniak, Curtiss Davis, Mike Twardowski, Nicole Stockley, Kenneth Voss, 2017: Report for Dedicated JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color Calibration/Validation Cruise 2016, NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 151, 65 pp.,

Pan, Chunhui; L. Zhou, C. Cao, T. Beck, L. Flynn and E. Beach NOAA-20 OMPS Sensor Data Record from Early Orbit Operation, 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,  2018, pp:4339 – 4342, 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8518655

Pan, Li, D. Tong, P. Lee, H. Kim, and T. Chai, 2014: Diagnostic Evaluation of NOx Upgrades on Air Quality Forecast.  Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIII, Douw Steyn and Rohit Mathur, Springer International Publishing, 511-517, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04379-1__84

Pearlman, Aaron J.; Francis Padula ; Xi Shao; Changyong Cao and Steven J. Goodman, Initial design and performance of the near surface unmanned aircraft system sensor suite in support of the GOES-R field campaign ", Proc. SPIE 9972, Earth Observing Systems XXI, 99720U (September 19, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2238178.

Peña, Malaquias, Li-Chuan Chen, and Huug van den Dool, 2018: Intraseasonal to Interannual Climate Variability and Prediction. In: Duan Q., Pappenberger F., Thielen J., Wood A., Cloke H., Schaake J. (eds) Handbook of Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasting. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,

Peng, Jingjing, W. Fans, L. Wang, J. Li, D. Tian and X. Xu: Modeling and validation of the angular clumping index of forest canopy, 2017 IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp. (IGARSS), Fort Worth, TX, 2017, pp. 834-837,

Perovich, D. K., W. Meier, M. Tschudi, S. Farrell, S. Gerland and S. Hendricks, 2015: Sea ice. Arctic Repot Card 2015, NOAA,

Perovich, D. K., W. Meier, M. Tschudi, S. Farrell, S. Gerland, S. Hendricks, T. Krumpen and C. Haas, 2016: Sea ice in Arctic Report Card 2016, NOAA,

Perovich, D. K., W. Meier, M. Tschudi, S. Farrell, S. Hendricks, S. Gerland, C. Haas, T. Krumpen, C. Polashenski, R. Ricker and M. Webster, 2017: Sea ice, Arctic Report Card 2017, NOAA

Perovich, D. K., W. Meier, M. Tschudi, S. Farrell, S. Hendricks, S. Gerland, C. Haas, T. Krumpen, C. Polashenski, R. Ricker, M. Webster (2018), Sea ice, Arctic Report Card 2018, peer-reviewed,

Perovich, D., W. Meier, M. Tschudi, S. Farrell, S. Hendricks, S. Gerland, L. Kaleschke, R. Ricker, X. Tian-Kunze, M. Webster and K. Wood (2019b), Sea ice, Arctic Report Card 2019, peer-reviewed,

Perovich, D., W. Meier, M. Tschudi, S. Farrell, S. Gerland and S. Hendricks (2016), Sea ice cover [in “State of the Climate in 2015”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97(8), S134–S135,

Perovich, D., W. Meier, M. Tschudi, S. Farrell, S. Gerland, S. Hendricks. T. Krumpen and C. Haas (2017), Sea ice cover [in “State of the Climate in 2016”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98(8), S131–S133,

Perovich, D. K., W. Meier, M. Tschudi, Sinead Farrell, S. Hendricks, S. Gerland, C. Haas, T. Krumpen, C. Polashenski, R. Ricker and M. Webster, 2018: Sea ice cover [in “State of the Climate in 2017”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (8), S150–S152,

Perovich, D., W. Meier, M. Tschudi, S. Farrell, S. Hendricks, S. Gerland, C. Haas, T. Krumpen, C. Polashenski, R. Ricker and M. Webster (2019a), Sea ice cover [in “State of the Climate in 2018”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100(9), S146–150,

Qiu, Shi , Xi Shao, Changyong Cao, Wenhui Wang, 2015:Vicarious validation of straylight correction for VIIRS day/night band using Dome-C. Earth Observing Systems XX, James J. Butler; Xiaoxiong (Jack) Xiong; and Xingfa Gu, Eds., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9607, 96072H

Reagan, James,T. Boyer, C. Schmid, and R. Locarnini, 2016: Subsurface salinity [subsection in "State of the Climate in 2015"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (8), S72–S73,

Reagan, James, T. Boyer, C. Schmid, and R. Locarnini, 2017: Ocean–Subsurface Salinity [in “State of the Climate in 2016”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98 (8), S72–S75,

Reagan, J., T. Boyer, C. Schmid, and R. Locarnini (2018), Subsurface salinity [subsection in "State of the Climate in 2017"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (8), S77–S81,

Reagan, J., T. Boyer, C. Schmid, and R. Locarnini, (2019). Subsurface salinity [in “State of the Climate in 2018”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100 (9), S79–S81, doi:10.1175/2019BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.

Richardson, Curtis J., Gregory L. Bruland, Matthew, F. Hanchey, and Ariana E. Sutton-Grier, 2015: Chapter 19: Soil Restoration: The Foundation of Successful Wetland Reestablishment. Wetland Soils: Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification, Second Edition, Michael J. Vepraskas and Christopher B. Craft, Eds., CRC Press, Pages 469–493,

Saha, Korak; Zhao, Xuepeng; Zhang, Huai-min; Casey, Kenneth S.; Zhang, Dexin; Baker-Yeboah, Sheekela; Kilpatrick, Katherine A.; Evans, Robert H.; Ryan, Thomas; Relph, John M. (2018). AVHRR Pathfinder version 5.3 level 3 collated (L3C) global 4km sea surface temperature for 1981-Present. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.7289/V52J68XX.

Saha, Korak; Zhao, Xuepeng; Zhang, Huai-min; Casey, Kenneth S.; Zhang, Dexin; Zhang, Yongsheng; Baker-Yeboah, Sheekela; Relph, John M.; Krishnan, Ajay; Ryan, Thomas (2018). The Coral Reef Temperature Anomaly Database (CoRTAD) Version 6 - Global, 4 km Sea Surface Temperature and Related Thermal Stress Metrics for 1982 to 2017. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.25921/ffw7-cs39.

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