
Dissertations 2020 - 2024

Abushakra, Feras, 2023: Miniaturized Ultra-Wideband UAV Radars and Antennas for Remote Sensing applications. PhD dissertation, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa,

Bachhu, Ankith,Veljko Petković,and Ernesto Hugo Berbery, 2023: Assessing hydrologic cycle dynamics using high-resolution satellite imagery. Intern report, CISESS/ESSIC, University of Maryland at College Park, Digital Repository,

Frame, Jonathan, 2022: Deep learning for operational streamflow forecasts: a long short-term memory network rainfall-runoff module for the National Water Model. PhD. dissertation, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa,

Glenn, Equisha, 2021: On a new framework for detecting, classifying, and forecasting floods for large-scale flood risk analysis. PhD. dissertation, Civil and Environmental Engineering, City University of New York, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,

Herrera Estrella, Eder I., 2023: Uncertainties in retrieval of remote sensing reflectance from ocean color satellite observations. PhD. dissertation, Earth and Environmental Sciences, City University of New York, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,

Kilpys, Justinas, Huan Meng, Yalei You, Jun Dong,and Ralph Ferraro, 2020: Atsitiktinių medžių klasifikatoriaus taikymas snygio nustatymui iš palydovinių ATMS duomenų [Application of a random forest algorithm to detect snowfall from ATMS measurements]. Visiting scholar paper, Vilnius University in Lithuania, Vilnius Univ. Proc., 100, 45,

Kolpuke, Shriniwas, 2023: Development and Optimization of Airborne FMCW Radars for High-Resolution Snow Depth Measurements. Dissertation for the University of Alabama,

Reyhanigalangashi, Omid, 2025: Design and Development of an RF0SoC-Based Ultra-Wideband Radar for Remote Sensing of Snow. PhD dissertation, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa.

Vanderburgh, Leo Xavier, 2023: Optimization, implementation, and fabrication of a balun for ice-sounding radar. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa,

Wawrzyniak, Tyler, 2020: The limb-correction of ATMS brightness temperature and its applications to analyzing tropical cyclone intensity changes. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland at College Park,


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