
Technical Reports 2020 - 2024

Boukabara, Sid; Frank Gallagher, David Helms, Satya Kalluri, Jordan Gerth, Steve Swadley, Mitch Goldberg, Daryl Kleist, Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez, and James Yoe, (Committee Member Ross Hoffman), 2022:Assessment of Solution-Agnostic Observational Needs for Global Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 156, 10 pp.,

Brando, Vittorio E.; Silvia Pardo, Shubha Sathyendranath, Ben Howey, Peter Land, Thomas Jackson, Rosalia Santoleri, Michela Sammartino, Simone Colella, Karina von Schuckmann, Dany Ghafari, Emily Smail, Keith VanGraafeiland, Sathyadev Ramachandran, Veronica P. Lance, and Menghua Wang, 2022:§ 3.1. Potential eutrophication of European waters using satellite derived chlorophyll following the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 framework [in “Copernicus Ocean State Report”]. J. Oper. Oceanogr., 15(Issue 6 Supp. 1), S83–S91,

Coral Reef Conservation Program (with contributions from Jacqueline De La Cour), 2022:Implementation of the Coral Reef Conservation Program Fiscal Years 2020‒2021. NOAA Report, 27 pp.,

Cromwell, Megan; and Susan Gottfried (with contributions from Anna Lienesch), 2022:NOAA ShipOkeanos Explorer FY22 Data Management Plan. NOAA Ocean Exploration Report, 38 pp.,

David Souter, Serge Planes, Jérémy Wicquart, David Obura, and Francis Staub, Eds. (with contributions from Jacqueline De La Cour), 2021:Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, 196 pp.,

Donovan, Caroline; Erica Towle, Heath Kelsey, Mary Allen, Hannah Barkley, Nicole Besemer, Jeremiah Blondeau, Mark Eakin, Kimberly Edwards, Ian Enochs, Chloe Fleming, Erick Geiger, Laura Jay Grove, Sarah Groves, Matt Johnson, Michelle Johnston, Tye Kindinger, Derek Manzello, Nathan Miller, Tom Oliver, Jennifer Samson, and Shay Viehman, 2020:Coral reef condition: A status report for U.S. coral reefs. NOAA CRCP Report, 6 pp.,

Ferraro, Ralph; Pierre Kirstetter, Mark Kulie, Patrick Meyers, Limin Zhao, John Forsythe, Tony Reale, Veljko Petkovic, Yalei You, Jun Dong, Malar Arulraj, Chris Grassotti, Sheldon Kusselson, Stan
Kidder, Huan Meng, Yongzhen Fan, and Bob Kuligowski, 2020:STAR Precipitation And Water Vapor Validation System. NOAA NESDIS STAR Report, 18 pp.,

Galvez, Kimberly; Sam Candio, Thomas Morrow, and Anna Lienesch, 2022: Okeanos Explorer ROV Dive Summary: EX-2201, Dive 01, February 24, 2022.  NOAA Ocean Exploration Report, 5 pp.,

Galvez, Kimberly; Sam Candio, Thomas Morrow, and Anna Lienesch, 2022: Okeanos Explorer ROV Dive Summary: EX-2201, Dive 02, February 25, 2022. NOAA Ocean Exploration Report, 6 pp.,

Galvez, Kimberly; Sam Candio, Thomas Morrow, and Anna Lienesch, 2022: Okeanos Explorer ROV Dive Summary: EX-2201, Dive 03, February 26, 2022. NOAA Ocean Exploration Report, 5 pp.,

Galvez, Kimberly; Sam Candio, Thomas Morrow, and Anna Lienesch, 2022: Okeanos Explorer ROV Dive Summary: EX-2201, Dive 04, February 27, 2022. NOAA Ocean Exploration Report, 7 pp.,

Galvez, Kimberly; Sam Candio, Thomas Morrow, and Anna Lienesch, 2022: Okeanos Explorer ROV Dive Summary: EX-2201, Dive 05, February 28, 2022. NOAA Ocean Exploration Report, 6 pp.,

Galvez, Kimberly; Sam Candio, Thomas Morrow, and Anna Lienesch, 2022: Okeanos Explorer ROV Dive Summary: EX-2201, Dive 06, March 01, 2022. NOAA Ocean Exploration Report, 7 pp.,

Galvez, Kimberly; Sam Candio, Thomas Morrow, and Anna Lienesch, 2022: Okeanos Explorer ROV Dive Summary: EX-2201, Dive 07, March 02, 2022.  NOAA Ocean Exploration, 5 pp.,

Gottfried, Susan; Megan Cromwell, Barry Eakins, Madalyn Newman, Katherine Weathers, Lauren Jackson, and Anna Lienesch, 2023: Sampling Operations Database Application (SODA) v. 6.0 Manual for FY23. NOAA NESDIS NCEI Report, 50 pp.,

Heron, Scott F., Laurie Raymundo, William V. Sweet, Amelia Papa, Claire Moreland-Ochoa, and David R.  Burdick, 2020:Predicting extreme tide events to inform shallow reef community restoration and management in Guam. NOAA CRCP Technical Memorandum 38, 48 pp.,

Hsu, Kuolin; and Vesta Afzali Gorooh, 2023:Workshop on Precipitation Estimation from LEO Satellites: Retrieval and Applications. NOAA NESDIS Technical Report 159, 49 pp.,

Hung, Wei-Ting;Patrick C. Campbell, and Barry Baker, 2024:High resolution global land surface datasets using satellite measurements for application to Earth system models. NOAA OAR ARL Technical Memorandum 285,

Jiang, Li-Qing; Kirsten Larsen, Tim Boyer, and Patrick Hogan (and colleagues), 2023:Data Management, Synthesis Activities, and Product Developments for Decision Support [in“Strategy for NOAA Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Research: A white paper documenting a potential NOAA CDR Science Strategy as an element of NOAA’s Climate Interventions Portfolio”].NOAA Special Report, 65–66,

Lazar, Jay; Ronald L. Vogel, David G. Bruce, and Andrew McGowan, 2022: Using Satellite-Derived Total Suspended Matter Data to Evaluate the Impacts of Tributary-Scale Oyster Restoration on Water Clarity. NOAA NMFS OHC NOAA Technical Memorandum 10, 19 pp.,

Lukens, Katherine E.; Kevin Garrett, Kayo Ide, David Santek, Brett Hoover, David Huber, Ross N. Hoffman, and Hui Liu, 2023:System for Analysis of Wind Collocations (SAWC)User Manual, Version 1.2.0. NOA NESDIS STAR, 59 pp.,  

Meier, Walter N.; Alek Petty, Stefan Hendricks, Donald Perovich, Sinead Farrell, Melinda Webster, Dmitry Divine, Sebastian Gerland, Lars Kaleschke, Robert Ricker, and Xiangshan Tian-Kunze,  2022:Sea Ice [in “NOAA Arctic Report Card 2022”].NOAA OAR ARC Technical Report 22-06, 9 pp.,

Meier, Walter N.; Alek Petty, Stefan Hendricks, S., Lars Kaleschke, Dmitry Divine, Sinead Farrell, Sebastian Gerland, Donald Perovich, Robert Ricker, Xiangshan Tian-Kunze, and Melinda Webster, 2023: Sea Ice [in “NOAA Arctic Report Card 2023”]. NOAA OAR ARC Technical Report 23-06, 10 pp.

Meier, Walter N.; Donald Perovich, Sinead Farrell, Christian Haas, Stefan Hendricks, Alek Petty, Melinda Webster, Dmitry Divine, Sebastian Gerland, Lars Kaleschke, Robert Ricker, Adam Steer, Xiangshan Tian-Kunze, Mark Tschudi, and Kimberly Wood, 2021: SeaIce [in “NOAA Arctic Report Card 2021”]. NOAA OAR ARC Technical Report 21-05, 9 pp.,

Mesick, Sharon; Susan Gottfried, Barry Eakins, Caitlin Ruby, Anna Lienesch, Clint Edrington, Jesse Varner, and Megan Cromwell, 2020: Playing FAIR: Enabling ocean exploration through open data sharing [in “New Frontiers In Ocean Exploration: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2019 field season”]. Oceanogr. 33(1 Supp), 74 -77,

Morris, James; Jordan Hollarsmith, Mike Litzow, Janine Harris, NOAA cross-line office Coastal Blue Carbon Working Group, Rebecca Briggs, Alison Krepp, and Katherine Longmire, Li-Qing Jiang, Kirsten Larsen, Tim Boyer, and Patrick Hogan, 2023: Decision support tools [in “Strategy for NOAA Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Research: A white paper documenting a potential NOAA CDR Science Strategy as an element of NOAA’s Climate Interventions Portfolio”].NOAA Special Report, 64–65,

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (with contributions from Melissa Kenney), 2021:Next Generation Earth Systems Science at the National Science Foundation. National Academies, 136 pp.,

Ngan, Fong; Mark Cohen, Sonny Zinn, Weifeng Jiang, Hongfeng Shen, Hyun Cheol Kim, and Walter Schalk 2022: The Western WRF Modeling Project: System Design and Model Evaluation. NOAA OAR ARL Technical Memorandum 284, 34 pp.,

Northeast Fisheries Science Center (with contributions from Ron Vogel), 2023: State of the Ecosystem 2023: Mid-Atlantic., 51 pp.

Ondrusek, Michael; Jianwei Wei, Menghua Wang, Eric Stengel, Charles Kovach, Alex Gilerson,Eder Herrera, Mateusz Malinowski, Joaquim I. Goes, Jinghui Wu, Helga do Rosario Gomes, Chuanmin Hu, Jennifer Cannizzaro, David English, Jing Shi, Yao Yao, Sherwin Ladner, Antonio Mannino, Joaquin E. Chaves, Declan P. Farr, Scott A. Freeman, Harrison D. Smith, Nick Tufillaro,Alexander Bailess, Adam Belmonte, Andrew Barnard, Jing Tan, and Robert Frouin, 2024:Report for dedicated JPSS VIIRS ocean color calibration/validation cruise : Hawaii in March 2022. NOAA NESDIS Technical Report No. 160, 68 pp.,

Ondrusek, Michael; Jianwei Wei; Menghua Wang, Eric Stengel, Charles Kovach, Alex Gilerson,Eder Herrera, Mateusz Malinowski, Joaquim I. Goes, Helga do Rosario Gomes, Kali McKee, Chuanmin Hu, Jennifer Cannizzaro, David English, Sherwin Ladner, Wesley Goode, Nicholas Tufillaro, and Ivan Lalovic, 2022:Report for dedicated JPSS VIIRS ocean color calibration/validation cruise: Gulf of Mexico in April 2021. NOAA NESDIS Technical Report 157, 51 pp.,

Pavlovic, Sandra; Michael St. Laurent, Carl Trypaluk, Dale Unruh, and Mark Glaudemans, 2022:Analysis of Impact of Nonstationary Climate on NOAA Atlas 14 Estimates. NOAA NWS OWP Assessment Report, 275 pp.,

Pendergrass, William R.; Fong Ngan, Bruce B. Hicks, Rayford P. Hosker, Carl A. Mazzola, and David A. Bruggeman,2020:Demonstrating the Feasibility of Using the 1996 MVP Tracer Study for Transport and Diffusion Model Validation. NOAA OAR ARL Technical Memorandum 281, 50 pp.,   

Perovich, Donald; Walter N. Meier, Mark Tschudi, Stefan Hendricks, Alek Petty, Dmitry Divine, Sinead Farrell, Sebastian Gerland, Christian Haas, Lars Kaleschke, Olga Pavlova, Robert Ricker, Xiangshan Tian-Kunze, Melinda Webster, and Kimberly Wood, 2020:SeaIce[inNOAA Arctic Report Card 2020”].NOAA OAR ARC Report, 10 pp.,

Ruby, Caitlin; Lienesch, Anna; Jennifer Green, Christianne Reiser, Jeanne-Marie Havrylkoff, and Shannon Hoy, 2023: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Data Management Plan 2023 Field Season. NOAA Ocean Exploration Report, 41 pp.

Rudlosky, Scott;Steve Goodman, Kristin Calhoun, Chris Schultz, Amanda Back, Bob
Kuligowski, Stephanie Stevenson, and Chad Gravelle (with contibutions from Daile Zhangand Mason Quick), 2020:Geostationary Lightning Mapper Value Assessment. NOAA NESDIS Technical Report 153, 46 pp.,  

Schroeder, Wilfred; Louis Giglio, and Joanne Hall, 2024:Collection 2 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) 375-m Active Fire Product User’s Guide Version 1.0. NOAA/NASA Report, 16 pp.,

Seidov, Dan; Alexey Mishonov, Olga K.Baranova, Timothy P. Boyer, Ebenezer Nyadjro, Courtney Bouchard, and Scott L. Cross, 2022:Northwest Atlantic Regional Ocean Climatology version 2. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 88, 75 pp.,

Skirving, William;Curt Storlazzi, andEmily Smail, 2021: Forecasting floods on reef-lined coasts - Introducing the Wave-driven Flood-forecasting On Reef-lined Coasts Early warning system (WaveFoRCE). UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Special Issue, Four: A Safe Ocean, 144–147, Environ. Coastal Offshore (E-Report),     

Smail, Emily;Jillian Campbell, Daniel Takaki, Hans-Peter Plag, René Garello, Samy Djavidnia, José Moutinho, Ghada El Serafy, Alessandra Giorgetti, Matteo Vinci, Maria Eugenia Molina Jack, Kate Larkin, Dawn J. Wright, Francois Galgani, Konstantinos Topouzelis, Stewart Bernard, Anne Bowser, Guido Colangeli, Linwood Pendleton, Leah Mupas Segui, Llorenç Milà i Canals, Morgan Simpson, Armando Marino, Imanol Zabaleta, and Malcolm Heron, 2020: A global platform for monitoring marine litter and informing action. United Nations Environment Programme Report,  83 pp.,

Smail, Emily;Keith VanGraafeiland, and Dany Ghafari, 2020: Methodology, processing and application development in support of Sustainable Development Goal 14.1: Chlorophyll Global Analysis and Metrices. GEO Blue Planet & Ocean Best Practices Repository, 3 pp.,

United Nations Environment Programme(with contributions from Emily Smail), 2021:Understanding the State of the Ocean: A Global Manual on Measuring SDG 14.1.1, SDG 14.2.1 and SDG 14.5.1. UNEP Knowledge Repository, 81, pp.,

Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council(with contributions from Melanie Abecassis), 2021: Annual stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the American Samoa Archipelago Fishery Ecosystem Plan 2020. NOAA, 147 pp.,     

Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council(with contributions from Melanie Abecassis), 2021:Annual stock assessment and fishery evaluation Report for the Hawaii Archipelago Fishery Ecosystem Plan 2020. NOAA, 208 pp.,

Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council(with contributions from Melanie Abecassis), 2021: Annual stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the Mariana Archipelago Fishery Ecosystem Plan 2020. NOAA, 219 pp.,   

Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council(with contributions from Melanie Abecassis), 2021: Annual stock assessment and fishery evaluation report: Pacific Remote Island Areas Fishery Ecosystem Plan 2020. NOAA, 80 pp.,    

Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council(with contributions from Melanie Abecassis), 2022:Annual Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the American Samoa Archipelago Fishery Ecosystem Plan 2021. NOAA, 140 pp.,    

Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council(with contributions from Melanie Abecassis), 2022:Annual Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Hawaii Archipelago Fishery Ecosystem Plan 2021. NOAA, 201 pp.,   

Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council(with contributions from Melanie Abecassis), 2022:Annual Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Mariana Archipelago Fishery Ecosystem Plan 2021. NOAA, 213 pp.,

Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council(with contributions from Melanie Abecassis), 2022:Annual Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report: Pacific Remote Island Area Fishery Ecosystem Plan 2021. NOAA, 77 pp.,

Wilkinson, Clive; and Eric Freeman, 2021:Best practice guidelines for keying data from historic marine documents.Copernicus Climate Change Service Data Rescue Service, ECMWF Copernicus Report Ref C3S 311a Lot 1, 46 pp.,

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