


New CICS Publications

Ngan, Fong, Christopher Loughner, and Ariel Stein, 2019: The evaluation of mixing methods in HYSPLIT using measurements from controlled tracer experiments. Atmos. Environ., 219, 117043,

Zhang, Chishan, Lei Ma, Jin Chen, Yuhan Rao, Yuan Zhou and Xuehong Chen, 2019: Assessing the impact of endmember variability on linear Spectral Mixture Analysis (LSMA): A theoretical and simulation analysis. Remote Sens. Environ., 235, 111471,

He, T.; Zhang, Y.; Liang, S.; Yu, Y. and Wang, D., 2019: Developing land surface directional reflectance and albedo products from geostationary GOES-R and Himawari data: Theoretical basis, operational implementation, and validation. Remote Sens., 11, 2655,

Gerst, Michael D., Melissa A. Kenney, Allison E. Baer, Amanda Speciale, J. Felix Wolfinger, Jon Gottschalck, Scott Handel, Matthew Rosencrans, and David Dewitt: Using visualization science to improve expert and public understanding of probabilistic Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks, Wea. Climate Soc, in press 2019,

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