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Featured News

Friday, March 29, 2024

A Prototype Robotic Ground-based Cal/Val System

Under a CISESS Seed Grant, Xi Shao and his colleagues at the CISESS Remote Sensing Lab built a Robotic Ground-based Cal/Val System and used it in a field campaign for JPSS/VIRS and GOES-R/ABI validation.
Friday, March 29, 2024

New Satellite Error Simulator Released

SatERR is a community error inventory for satellite microwave observation error representation and uncertainty quantification, described by John Xun Yang and his co-authors in a new publication.


Results: 87 Articles found.
Skew-T Results

Folmer's Dropsondes in the Saharan Air Layer

CICS-MD Scientist Michael Folmer has designed a dropsonde mission to study the Saharan Air Layer. The first deployment of the sondes by a NOAA's Hurricane Hunter aircraft occurred on September 20. The results are compared with NOAA-20 profiles.

Lightning in Hurricane Florence
Sep 14, 2018 10:00 AM

Lightning from Hurricane Florence

CICS-MD Scientist Patrick Meyers prepared a video of Hurricane Florence lightning as recorded by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) on GOES-16 on September 13 for the “NOAA Satellites” Facebook and Twitter Accounts. President Donald Trump included it in his tweet on the hurricane.

Aug 27, 2018 07:06 AM

Stratocumulous-to-Cumulous Transition

CICS-MD Scientists Youtong Zheng and Zhanqing Li have a new article that uses passive satellite sensors to test a theory of stratocumulous-to-cumulous transition in the subtropics during cold advection.​

Results: 87 Articles found.
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