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Featured News

Friday, August 2, 2024

CISESS Scientist Daile Zhang works to Mitigate Lightning Hazards in Uganda

CISESS Scientist Daile Zhang visited Uganda to help with the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems at Two Primary Schools in Kalangala.
Friday, March 29, 2024

A Prototype Robotic Ground-based Cal/Val System

Under a CISESS Seed Grant, Xi Shao and his colleagues at the CISESS Remote Sensing Lab built a Robotic Ground-based Cal/Val System and used it in a field campaign for JPSS/VIRS and GOES-R/ABI validation.


Results: 125 Articles found.
Heather Mattern
Nov 06, 2019 06:00 AM

CISESS Financial Director Heather Mattern and the New CISESS Finance Office

One of the big new changes in the Cooperative Institute, other than its name, is the creation of a CISESS Finance Office. Heather Mattern has been named the CISESS Financial Director. The office will have two Business Manager-Proposal Coordinators and a Business Specialist. They will be colocated with CISESS on the 3rd Floor of the ESSIC Building.

Aug 15, 2019 01:14 AM

Six JPSS SPARKS Students Present their Research Results

The JPSS Students Professional and Academic Readiness with Knowledge in Satellites (SPARKS) program held a nine-week course this summer for graduate students with speakers drawn from NOAA and Affiliate JPSS Scientists. In addition, each of the six students had a NOAA mentor to work with on a summer research project. The program just wrapped up and the students gave their presentations on their projects on Tuesday, August 6. Here are some of the highlights:


CoRP Science Symposium will be held on August 27-29 at UMD

CICS/CISESS is hosting this year's NOAA CoRP Science Symposium. It will be held at ESSIC on August 27 to 29. There will be awards for best presentation and best poster (1st, 2nd, 3rd). We have 20 speakers and 25 posters on topics including satellite, data, applied, and Earth system science.

Results: 125 Articles found.
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