

2014 Science Meeting Archive

Day 1 - November 12, 2104  

Welcome/Research Priorities (Chair: Hugo Berbery) 

Tony Busalacchi, Fernando Miralles- Wilhelm, Hugo Berbery: Welcome  slides

Ingrid Guch (I): Research Priorities at NESDIS/STAR  slides

Session 1 Climate Research (Chair: Scott Rudlosky)

Margarita Gregg (I):  Current and future CICS-MD and NODC Collaborations  slides

Augustin Vintzileos: Towards a Subseasonal Excessive Heat Outlook System  abstract

Sinead Farrell: Interannual Variability in Contemporaneous Measurements of Arctic Snow and Sea Ice Thickness  abstract  slides

Liqing Jiang:  Aragonite Saturation State in Surface and Subsurface Waters of the Global Oceans  abstract

Yongsheng Zhang: Development of NODC Satellite Data Quality Monitoring System  slides

Michael Natoli: Understanding Surface Variable Responses to the MJO in the CFS Reanalysis over the Americas  abstract  slides

Katherine Lukens: On the Relation between North American Winter Precipitation and Storm Tracks  abstract  slides

Guojun Gu: Examining Global Precipitation Change and Variability during during 1901-2010 Using Observations and CMIP Outputs  abstract  slides

Stephanie Schollaert Uz: A Year Reconstruction of Ocean Surface Chlorophyll in the Tropical Pacific  abstract

Session 2 Calibration and Validation: IR, Visible, and UV Instruments (Chair: Mark Liu)

Fuzhong Weng and Xiaolei Zou (I): Uncertainty of AMSU-A Derived Temperature Trends in Relationship with Clouds and Precipitation Over Oceans  slides

Sherry Pan: Evaluation of S-NPP Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite (OMPS) Nadir Instrument In-Flight Performance  abstract  slides

Yong Chen: S-NPP CrIS Full Resolution Sensor Data Record Processing and Evaluations  abstract  slides

Likun Wang: Inter-Comparison of Suomi NPP CrIS Radiances with AIRS and IASI toward Infrared Hyperspectral Benchmark Radiance Measurements  abstract  slides

Jingfeng Huang: Validation of Aerosol Optical Thickness and Angström Exponent in the Suomi-NPP VIIRS Operational Aerosol Products  abstract  slides

Manik Bali: GSICS Products and their applications  abstract  slides

Session 3 Calibration and Validation: Microwave Instruments (Chair: Likun Wang)

Isaac Moradi: Intercalibrating and Validating SAPHIR and ATMS Observations  abstract  slides

Wenze Yang: An Improved Microwave Satellite Data Set for Hydrological and Meteorological Applications  abstract  slides

Hu (Tiger) Yang: Introduction of an Advanced Radiance Transformation System (ARTS)  abstract  slides

James Beauchamp: The Development of AMSU-B/MHS FCDR's and TCDR's for Hydrological Applications  abstract  slides

Thomas Newman: Advances in Airborne Altimetric Techniques for the Measurement of Snow on Arctic Sea Ice  abstract  slides

Posters Session

Xinrong Ren: Linking AOD from Satellites to Surface PM. over the Eastern US Using Aircraft Observations  abstract  poster

Yunfeng Cao: A Synthetical Estimation of Northern Hemisphere Sea-ice Albedo Radiative Forcing and Feedback between 1982 and 2009  abstract  poster

Fantine Ngan: Meteorological Modeling Using WRF-ARW Model for Grand Bay Intensive Studies of Atmospheric Mercury  abstract  poster

Andrew Jongeward: Regional Aerosol Trends and Potential Impacts on Clouds in the Western North Atlantic Ocean  abstract  poster

Hyun Cheol Kim: Recent changes (2010-2013) of satellite-observed NO2 column densities in East Asia  abstract

Lin Lin: Clean Experiments of Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation in HWRF for Debby Forecast  abstract  poster

Alek Petty: Seasonal Trends in Sea Ice Circulation and Wind Forcing Over the Beaufort Sea  abstract  poster

Peng Yu: A Prototype System for Satellite LST Product Monitoring and Retrieval Algorithm Evaluation  abstract  poster

Tao He: Analysis of Global Land Surface Albedo Climatology and Spatial-Temporal Variation During 1981–2010 from Multiple Satellite Products  abstract  poster

Li Fang: Inter-Comparison and Validation of Soil Moisture Estimates from Microwave and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing and Land Surface Model  abstract  poster

Zhengpeng Li:  GOES Evapotranspiration and Drought Product System (GET-D)  abstract 

Michiko Masutani: Building the OSSE system at JCSDA  abstract 

Tse-Chun Chen: “No-cost” Proactive Quality Control (PQC) by the Use of Linearly Approximated Analysis  abstract  poster

Alice Crawford: Producing Quantitative Forecasts of Volcanic Ash Using the HYSPLIT Transport and Dispersion Model  abstract  poster

Day 2 - November 13, 2104  

Session 4: Data Assimilation and Modeling (Isaac Moradi)

Jim Yoe (I): The Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation: Science and Collaborative Opportunities  slides

Bin Zhang: Chesapeake Bay Operational Forecasting System with DVAR Data Assimilation Implementation  abstract  slides

Sean PF Casey: Status of the Hyperspectral Infrared Observing System Simulation Experiment Effort  abstract  slides

Li-Chuan Chen: ENSO Simulations in the North American Multi-Model Ensemble: A First Look  abstract  slides

Xiaoyan Zhang: SEVIRI Data Impact on Forecasting Storms over Lake Victoria using NCEP NMM-B Model  abstract  slides

Session 5 Data Fusion and Algorithm Development (Chair: Jingfeng Huang)

Ralph Ferraro (I):  Future Satellite Based Products at NOAA & Multispectral, Multiplatform and Some In-Situ Data Thrown in as well!  abstract  slides

Patrick Meyers: Advances in AMSR Precipitation Retrievals  abstract  slides

Yalei You: A Bayesian Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm for the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS)  abstract  slides

Andrew Harris: A New Diurnally Adjusted High Resolution SST Analysis  abstract  slides

Session 6 Land and Hydrology (Chair: Huan Wu)

Chris Justice (I): Land Monitoring Using S-NPP VIIRS  slides

Zhuo Wang: Using VIIRS Land Surface Temperature to evaluate NCEP North American Mesoscale Model (NAM) Forecast  abstract  slides

Michael Folmer: The Forecasting and Monitoring of Convection Associated with Flash Flood Threats  abstract  slides

Christopher Hain: Use of Land Surface Temperature Observations in a Two-Source Energy Balance Model Towards Improved Monitoring of Evapotranspiration and Drought  abstract  slides

Dongdong Wang: Direct Estimation of Land Surface Albedo from VIIRS Data  abstract  slides

Yuling Liu: Suomi NPP VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Product Quality Assessment toward Validated Maturity  slides

Session 7 Earth System Monitoring from Satellites (Chair: Ariana Sutton-Grier)

Robert Adler, The Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) CDR AT NOAA: Research to Real-time Climate Monitoring  abstract  slides

Huan Wu, The Global Flood Monitoring System (GFMS) Using Satellite Rainfall Information and a Hydrological Model  abstract  slides

Ariel Stein (I): An Overview of HYSPLIT's Science and Applications Development  slides

Daniel Tong: Impact of the Great Recession on Urban Emissions in US Megacities Detected by Satellite and Ground Measurements  abstract  slides

Jicheng Liu: NOAA Soil Moisture Operational Product System (SMOPS): Version 2  abstract  slides

Session 8 Climate Science to Support Policy and Outreach (Chair: Hugo Berbery)

Ariana Sutton-Grier: Satellites, Biodiversity, and Blue Carbon, Oh My! Science to Support Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Coastal Resilience, and Habitat Conservation  abstract  slides

Ainsley Lloyd: Developing a Pilot Indicator System for U.S. Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Responses  abstract

Stephanie Schollaert Uz: ClimateBits: Essential Earth Science Concepts Explained Simply for Everyone  abstract  slides

Timothy Canty: Undergraduate Research in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science at the University of Maryland  abstract  slides

Scott Rudlosky: The  CICS-MD Institute of Research and Collaboration for Undergraduate Students (CIRCUS)  abstract  slides

(I) stands for Invited Speaker

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