

Awards for CISESS Scientists


CRCP_logoNational Coral Reef Monitoring Program Letter of Recognition for her excellent work updating the NRCMP Visualization Tool.

Rebecca Wenker
Faculty Specialist

14 June 2024


Unseen_Hero_AwardLEO Unseen Hero Award for supporting the transition of the VIIRS Radiance Cluster to NCCF operations.

Likun Wang
Associate Research Scientist

13 June 2024


CMNS_logo_redUMD CMNS Distinguished Research Scientist Award

Isaac Moradi
Research Scientist

19 April 2024


Lunar_Calibration_LoRLetter of Recognition for her leadership and service in  the NOAA delegation to the Lunar Calibration Workshop.

Fangfang Yu
Associate Research Scientist

21 December 2023


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for the new National Coral Reef Monitoring Program data visualization tool.

Zachary Mason
Faculty Specialist

6 December 2023


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for the new National Coral Reef Monitoring Program data visualization tool.

Rebecca Wenker
Faculty Specialist

6 December 2023


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for his key role   in the completion of the World Ocean Atlas 2023.

Alexey Mishonov
Associate Research Scientist

6 December 2023


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for innovation in updating NOAA Blended Seawinds to version 2.

Korak Saha
Assistant Research Scientist

6 December 2023


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for his leadership of Ocean Acidification Program data management.

Liqing Jiang
Associate Research Scientist

6 December 2023


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for 30 years of excellence in ocean carbon data management.

Alex Kozyr
Senior Faculty Specialist

6 December 2023


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for her support of the State Department's Marine Science Research data

Alexandra Grodsky
Faculty Specialist

6 December 2023


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for his careful incorporation of the flow of Conductivity-Temperature-Depth data.

Jim Beauchamp
Faculty Specialist

6 December 2023


ncei-round-iconNCEI Certificate of Recognition for efforts above and beyond to complete the Ocean Heat Content monthly climatologies.

Alexey Mishonov
Associate Research Scientist

6 December 2023


Geo_TIAGEO Team Impact Award for her leadership of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Blue Planet Team.

Emily Smail
Senior Faculty Assistant

8 November 2023


Geo_TIAGEO Team Impact Award for her work with the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Blue Planet Team.

Nikelene McLean
Faculty Assistant

8 November 2023


NWA2nd Place Award for Undergraduate Student Presentations at NWA Conference for "Expanding Aviation Applications for GLM"

Larissa Sperk
Undergraduate Research Assistant

9 - 13 September 2023


NASA_JPSS-2NASA Exceptional Achievement for Science Award for outstanding mission-critical calibration/validation of JPSS-2

Hu Yang
Research Scientist

29 August 2023


NASA_JPSS-2NASA Exceptional Achievement for Science Award for outstanding mission-critical calibration/validation of JPSS-2

Xi Shao
Research Scientist

29 August 2023


NASA_JPSS-2NASA Exceptional Achievement for Science Award for outstanding mission-critical calibration/validation of JPSS-2

Wenhui Wang
Associate Research Scientist

29 August 2023


NASA_JPSS-2NASA Exceptional Achievement for Science Award for outstanding mission-critical calibration/validation of JPSS-2

Peter Beierle
Assistant Research Scientist

29 August 2023


NASA_JPSS-2NASA Exceptional Achievement for Science Award for outstanding mission-critical calibration/validation of JPSS-2

Tung-Chang Liu
Assistant Research Scientist

29 August 2023


NASA_JPSS-2NASA Exceptional Achievement for Science Award for outstanding mission-critical calibration/validation of JPSS-2

Sirish Uprety
Senior Faculty Specialist

29 August 2023


NASA_JPSS-2NASA Exceptional Achievement for Science Award for outstanding mission-critical calibration/validation of JPSS-2

Yan Bai
Senior Faculty Specialist

29 August 2023


Corp_Sym_Honorable_MentionCoRP Symposium Student Award for Best Presentation - Honorable Mention

Ashmita Pyne
Undergraduate Research Assistant

27 July 2023


Henry_E._Felming_AwardHenry F. Fleming Scholarship Award for outstanding undergraduate to pursue a remote sensing graduate degree

Alex Friedman
Undergraduate Research Assistant

4 May 2023


AOSC_AwardLandsberg Outstanding Service Award for outstanding service to the UMD AOSC Undergraduate Program

Domenic Brooks
Undergraduate Research Assistant

4 May 2023


NCEI_Certificate_of_AppreciationNCEI Certificate of Appreciation for above & beyond effort to complete Ocean Heat Content monthly climatology by deadline.

Alexey Mishonov
Assocaite Research Scientist

17 April 2023


Google_CloudGoogle Cloud Research Innovators: selected for the 2023 cohort to have extra access to technical resources and experts.

Guangming Zheng
Associate Research Scientist

1 March 2023


AGU_Voices_for_ScienceAGU Voices for Science: selected for the Science Policy cohort 2023-24 of the AGU’s Voices for Science program.

Davyal Aziz
CISESS Consortium Graduate Student (UA-T)

1 March 2023


CISESS_logo_finalLetter of Recognition from the Deputy Director of CISESS for his presentation and work at the CISESS Mid-Term Review Panel

Javier Villegas Bravo
Faculty Assistant

22 February 2023


AMS_2023AMS Student Speaker Honorable Mention for "Developing a Blended Lightning Dataset and its Application" (as a freshman!)

Terrence Pierce
Undergraduate Research Assistant

12 January 2023


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for her work on U. S. State Department’s Marine Scientific Research datasets.

Alexandra Grodsky
Faculty Specialist

6 December 2022


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for leading the CISESS World Ocean Database (WOD) project.

Alexey Mishonov
Associate Research Scientist

6 December 2022


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for leading several international data management activities at NCEI.

Alex Koxyr
Senior Faculty Specialist

6 December 2022


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for leading global and regional ocean acidification data management at NCEI.

Liqing Jiang
Associate Research Scientist

6 December 2022


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for her years of excellence in leading the coral data management project.

Sarah O'Connor
Faculty Specialist

6 December 2022


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for his excellent support of NOAA's stewardship for satellite oceanographic data.

Yongsheng Zhang
Assistant Research Engineer

6 December 2022


NCEI_CISESS_AwardsNCEI Employee Awards for CISESS Scientists for his excellent innovation on the NOAA/NCEI Blended Seawinds (NBS) product.

Korak Saha
Assistant Research Scientist

6 December 2022


s-npp_logo_215JPSS Unseen Heroes Award for work on the S-NPP central data processor reset fix as part of the ATMS SDR Team

Hu "Tiger" Yang
Research Scientist

6 December 2022


s-npp_logo_215JPSS Unseen Heroes Award for work on the S-NPP central data processor reset fix as part of the CrIS SDR Team

Lin Lin
Associate Research Scientist

6 December 2022


s-npp_logo_215JPSS Unseen Heroes Award for work on the S-NPP central data processor reset fix as part of the CrIS SDR Team

Peter Beierle
Assistant Research Scientist

6 December 2022


s-npp_logo_215JPSS Unseen Heroes Award for work on the S-NPP central data processor reset fix as part of the OMPS SDR Team

Chunhui Pan
Senior Faculty Specialist

6 December 2022


s-npp_logo_215JPSS Unseen Heroes Award for work on the S-NPP central data processor reset fix as part of the VIIRS SDR Team

Xi Shao
Associate Research Scientist

6 December 2022


s-npp_logo_215JPSS Unseen Heroes Award for work on the S-NPP central data processor reset fix as part of the VIIRS SDR Team

Wenhui Wang
Associate  Research Scientist

6 December 2022


s-npp_logo_215JPSS Unseen Heroes Award for work on the S-NPP central data processor reset fix as part of the VIIRS SDR Team

Bin Zhang
Assistant Research Scientist

6 December 2022


s-npp_logo_215JPSS Unseen Heroes Award for work on the S-NPP central data processor reset fix as part of the VIIRS SDR Team

Yan Bai
Senior Faculty Specialist

6 December 2022


s-npp_logo_215JPSS Unseen Heroes Award for work on the S-NPP central data processor reset fix as part of the VIIRS SDR Team

Sirish Uprety
Senior Faculty Specialist

6 December 2022


Liem_Nguyen_Outstanding_InternCISESS Outstanding Student Intern of 2022 for his simple yet elegant graphical interface for Ocean Acidification Indicators.

Liem Nguyen
Undergraduate Research Assistant

2 December 2022


Bronze_MedalDepartment of Commerce Bronze Medal to NOAA's Ecosystem Indicators Working Group (EIWG), for which Abecassis was noted as a non-federal contributor.

Melanie Abecassis
Assistant Research Scientist

30 November 2022


Bronze_MedalDepartment of Commerce Bronze Medal for innovation on a blended satellite-in situ sea surface temperature product.

Thomas Smith
Visiting Research Scientist

30 November 2022


NESDIS Outstanding Operations Team Member Award for contributions leading to great achievements.

Peng Yu
Assistant Research Scientist

17 November 2022


NESDIS_Collaboration_Award_MANESDIS Collaboration Award for the advances made to the CoastWatch Satellite Data Training Courses

Melanie Abecassis
Assistant Research Scientist

15 November 2022


NESDIS_Collaboration_Award_RVNESDIS Collaboration Award for the advances made to the CoastWatch Satellite Data Training Courses

Ron Vogel
Senior Faculty Specialist

15 November 2022


AWRC_2022Best Poster Award on a study of multi-year streamflow deficits at the Alabama Water Resources Conference.

Davyal Aziz
CISESS Consortium Graduate Student (UA-T)

22 September 2022


GOES-T_logoLetter of Recognition for leading the GOES-18 Post-Launch Product Test for the GOES-R Calibration Working Group.

Fangfang Yu
Associate Research Scientist

15 September 2022


GOES-T_logoLetter of Recognition for innovative research to improve the Advanced Baseline Imager Navigation and Registration

Vladimir Kondratovich
Senior Faculty Specialist

15 September 2022


GOES-T_logoLetter of Recognition for leading the implementation of a centralized operation for GOES-R Calibration Working Group.

Song Guo
Senior Faculty Specialist

15 September 2022


Fulbright_for_HugoFulbright Specialist Program award for his collaborative work with scientists in Argentina.

E. Hugo Berbery
AOSC Research Professor and CISESS Deputy Director

6 August 2022


Corp_Sym_Honorable_Mention3rd Prize for Oral Presentation at the 2022 NOAA Cooperative Research Programs (CoRP) Science Symposium

Malarvizhi Arulraj
Post-Doctoral Associate

27 July 2022


NESDIS_Operating_PrinciplesNOAA/NESDIS “You Got Caught” Award  recognizes a scientist who demonstrated NOAA/NESDIS operating principles in their work.

Peng Yu
Assistant Research Scientist

17 July 2022


NESDIS_UrgencyCertificate of Recognition for developing effective solutions for the expeditious mitigation of NOAA-20 and SNPP CrIS anomalies.

Peter Beierle
Assistant Research Scientist

11 July 2022


NESDIS_Embrace_InnovationNOAA/NESDIS “You Got Caught” Award for rapid prototyping and demonstration for a Global-Regional Validation System (GREVS).

Wenhui Wang
Associate Research Scientist

29 June 2022


CMNS_Outstanding_EmployeeDean's Outstanding Employee Award for her work overseeing the preparation and filing of CISESS task proposals and the administration of CISESS grant accounts.

Heather Mattern
CISESS Financial Director

4 May 2022


Madelyn_WalstrumCISESS Outstanding Student Intern of 2021 for her excellent in compiling a Coral Reef Monitoring Program literature review.

Madelyn Walstrum
Undergraduate Research Assistant

18 November 2021


Archive_ManagementLetter of Recognition from the NCEI Director for her work on the new standardized Data Content training module

Sarah O’Connor,
Faculty Specialist

17 June 2021


ncei-round-iconLetter of Recognition from the NCEI Director for his work on the Mission Science Network (MSN) project to migrate systems and ensure their stability

Zachary Mason
Faculty Specialist

17 June 2021


ncei-round-iconLetter of Recognition from the NCEI Director for her work on the Mission Science Network (MSN) project to migrate systems and ensure their stability

Sarah O’Connor,
Faculty Specialist

17 June 2021


SPIE_Best_Paper_Award_5-21-21SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2020 Best Papers Award for Photo-Optical Instrumentation and Design (News)

Zhipeng Wang (Lead Author)
Associate Research Scientist

17 May 2021


SPIE_Best_Paper_Award_5-21-21SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2020 Best Papers Award for Photo-Optical Instrumentation and Design (News)

Fangfang Yu (Coauthor)
Associate Research Scientist

17 May 2021


SPIE_Best_Paper_Award_5-21-21SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2020 Best Papers Award for Photo-Optical Instrumentation and Design (News)

Hyelim Yoo (Coauthor)
Faculty Specialist

17 May 2021


SPIE_Best_Paper_Award_5-21-21SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2020 Best Papers Award for Photo-Optical Instrumentation and Design (News)

Haifeng Qian (Coauthor)
Associate Research Scientist

17 May 2021


SPIE_Best_Paper_Award_5-21-21SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2020 Best Papers Award for Photo-Optical Instrumentation and Design (News)

Xi Shao (Coauthor)
Associate Research Scientist

17 May 2021


CMNS_Outstanding_EmployeeDean's Outstanding Employee Award for her work (including her preparation of CISESS task proposals!)

Siyu “Nicole” Shan
AOSC Assistant Financial Director

4 May 2021


NOAA_Chesapeake_Bay_OfficeNOAA Chesapeake Bay Office Letter of Commendation for using satellite products to analyze Bay water temperature anomalies and evaluate the effects of large, tributary scale oyster restoration (News)

Ron Vogel
Senior Faculty Specialist

23 April 2021


GOES-R_LetterGOES-R Data Operational Manager Letter of Commendation for Satellite Book Club Seminar on Using GLM for Forecasting (News)

Joseph Patton
Faculty Assistant

20 April 2021


Caribbean_Oil_SpillsLetter of Recognition from the STAR/OSPO/Satellite Analysis Branch Chief for her leadership on an initiative with Caribbean nations to develop oil spill monitoring

Emily Smail
Senior Faculty Specialist

22 March 2021


Letter-of-RecognitionUMD Letter of Recognition for excellent work on the National Weather Service’s National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (News)

Fantine (Fong) Ngan
Assistant Research Engineer

7 December 2020


Letter-of-RecognitionUMD Letter of Recognition for excellent work on the National Weather Service’s National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (News) 

Hyun Cheol Kim
Faculty Specialist

7 December 2020


Letter-of-RecognitionUMD Letter of Recognition for excellent work on the National Weather Service’s National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (News)

Tianfeng Chai
Associate Research Scientist

7 December 2020


UMD_Provost_PTK_ExcellenceUMD Provost's Excellence Award For Professional Track Faculty Research

Chengquan Huang
Research Professor

19 October 2020


De_La_Cour_MemoLetter of Recognition from the Executive Officer for STAR/SOCD for her detailed work on proposals to secure three more years of funding for NOAA Coral Reef Watch

Jacqueline De La Cour
Senior Faculty Specialist

10 September 2020


AMS_AwardBest Student Speaker for the 24th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS) (News)

Tianning Su
Graduate Assistant II

4 February 2020


ncbo_noaa_logoLetter of Recognition from NOAA Headquarters for his close work with the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office on satellite applications

Ronald Vogel
Senior Faculty Specialist

17 December 2019


NOSNOAA National Ocean Service Rafting Award for the Coral Reef Information System (CORiS) team support to NOS and NOAA.

Sarah O'Connor
Faculty Specialist

October 2019


NOSNOAA National Ocean Service Rafting Award for the Coral Reef Information System (CORiS) team support to NOS and NOAA.

Zachary Mason
Faculty Specialist

October 2019


NASA-GAA_BBaker_10-19NASA Group Achievement Award for the scientific investigation of ozone pollution at the land-water interface of the Chesapeake Bay

Xinrong Ren
Research Scientist

October 2019


NASA-GAA_BBaker_10-19NASA Group Achievement Award for the scientific investigation of ozone pollution at the land-water interface of the Chesapeake Bay

Christopher Loughner
Assistant Research Scientist

October 2019


NASA-GAA_BBaker_10-19NASA Group Achievement Award for the scientific investigation of ozone pollution at the land-water interface of the Chesapeake Bay

Paul Kelley
Faculty Specialist

October 2019


NASA-GAA_BBaker_10-19NASA Group Achievement Award for the scientific investigation of ozone pollution at the land-water interface of the Chesapeake Bay

Barry Baker,
CISESS Consortium Scientist, UMBC

October 2019


Roger_Revelle_MedalAmerican Geophysical Union Roger Revelle Medal in recognition for outstanding contributions in atmospheric sciences.

Eugenia Kalnay
Distinguished University Professor

22 August 2019


WOC_STEM_Award2019 Women of Color Outstanding "Technology Rising Star" Achievement Award (News)

Sheekela Baker-Yeboah
Assistant Research Scientist

22 July 2019


AOSC_StickersUMD AOSC Tannebaum Prize for Undergraduate Climate Science

Tyler Richman
Undergraduate Research Assistant

1 May 2019


AOSC_StickersUMD AOSC Tannebaum Prize for Undergraduate Climate Science

Matthew Nicholson
Undergraduate Research Assistant

1 May 2019


Bronze_MedalU.S. Department of Commerce Bronze Medal for developing the operational GCOM-W1 AMSR2 product system

Ralph Ferraro
Visiting Research Scientist

14 May 2019


Bronze_MedalU.S. Department of Commerce Bronze Medal for innovation in SST construction methods that enable improved El Niño structures and long-term record consistency

Thomas Smith
Visiting Research Scientist

14 May 2019


OMAO_AwardNOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) Data Manager's Letter of Appreciation

Fred Katz
Faculty Specialist

21 February 2019


NESDIS2018 NESDIS Outstanding Science and Research Employee for Capturing Key JPSS Images for Major Storms with the Snowfall Rate Product

Huan Meng
Visiting Research Scientist

18 December 2018


OAR_Outstanding_PaperOAR’s 2018 Outstanding Scientific Paper Award (Weather) (NOAA News)

Fong (Fantine) Ngan
Assistant Research Engineer

December 2018


NOAANOAA Associate Team Member of the Month for his Work on Coral Reef Watch Satellite Products and the Coral Bleaching Outlook System Model

Gang Liu
Research Scientist

December 2018


NESDIS2018 NESDIS Outstanding Science and Research Employee for Innovation in Combining Satellite and Model Data to Create an Ocean Rain Gauge

James Reagan
Senior Faculty Specialist

27 November 2018


JPSS_4Letter of Recognition for Excellence in Supporting the NOAA-20 CrIS SDR to Validated Maturity

Yong Chen
Associate Research Scientist

15 November 2018


Burgers_logoUniversity of Maryland Burgers Symposium   for Fluid Dynamics - Best CMNS Poster

Katherine Lukens
Graduate Research Assistant III

15 November 2018


GOES-R_logoGOES-R Series Program Outstanding Communications Award (News)

Patrick Meyers
Senior Faculty Specialist

1 November 2018


EPPNOAA Educational Partnership Program Mentorship Award

Ralph Ferraro
Visiting Research Scientist

24 October 2018


AMS_SFP_2Edgar J. Saltzman Endowed Scholarship

Julian Arnheim
High School Research Assistant

September 2018


JPSS_4STAR JPSS Annual Science Meeting: Best Student Poster

Yuhan Rao
Graduate Research Assistant III

29 August 2018


NOAA_Dave_Johnson_AwardNOAA Dave Johnson Award (News)

Scott Rudlosky
Visiting Assistant Research Scientist

16 March 2018


AMS_SFP_2 Larry R. John Memorial Scholarship

Keenan Eure
Former CICS-MD Undergraduate Research Assistant

September 2017


UMD_Grad_SchoolAnn G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship

Youtong Zheng
Graduate Research Assistant III

September 2017


JPSS_4JPSS STAR Program Award:  ATMS Calibration and Validation

Hu Yang
Associate Research Scientist

18 August 2017


JPSS_4JPSS STAR Program Award: CrIS Calibration, Validation & Reprocessing and Improvement of CrIS SDR Data Quality

Yong Chen
Associate Research Scientist

18 August 2017


JPSS_4JPSS STAR Program Award: Sustained Outreach to MiRS Users and Seamless Transition of MiRS ATMS Operational System

Christopher Grassotti
Senior Faculty Specialist

18 August 2017


JPSS_4JPSS STAR Program Award: OMPS Calibration and Validation

Chunhui Pan
Senior Faculty Specialist

18 August 2017


JPSS_4JPSS STAR Program Award: Development of VIIRS L3U SST Product

Irina Gladkova
CICS Consortium Scientist (CREST / CUNY Associate Professor)

18 August 2017


GOES-R_logoGOES-R Series Program Outstanding Communications Award (News)

Michael Folmer
Faculty Specialist

29 June 2017


UMD_UG_ResUniversity of Maryland Undergraduate Researcher of the Year

Kelsey Malloy
Undergraduate Research Assistant for Michael Folmer

May 2017


3-Min_ThesisUniversity of Maryland 3-Minute Thesis Competition Finalist

Katherine Lukens
Graduate Research Assistant III

April 2017


AMS_AwardBest Student Speaker for the 21st AMS Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (News)

Tse-Chun Chen
Graduate Assistant III

21 February 2017


Journal_of_ClimateAMS Journal of Climate Top Ten Most Cited Articles over the Past Three Years (#2, #5 & #6) (News)

Thomas Smith
NOAA Physical Scientist and CICS Visiting Research Scientist

23 January 2017


China_Outstanding_StudentChinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad

Youtong Zheng
Graduate Research Assistant III

January 2017


NOS_CertificateAGU International Data Rescue in the Geosciences: Honorable Mention

Alexey Mishonov
Assistant Research Scientist

23 December 2016


ESSIC_CertificateUMD Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Best Paper of 2016

Jingfeng Huang
Assistant Research Scientist

8 December 2016


AV_CertificateNOAA NCEP Climate Prediction Center Certificate of Recognition for Development and Issuance of Week 3-4 Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks (News)

Augustin Vintzileos
Assistant Research Scientist

22 November 2016


RAICESArgentine Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation RAICES Award for International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation (News)

E. Hugo Berbery
Research Professor and CICS Deputy Director

25 October 2016


UMD_Div_ResUniversity of Maryland Division of Research's Research Leaders Award

Xiaolei Zou
Research Professor

19 October 2016


UMD_Div_ResUniversity of Maryland Division of Research's Research Leader Award

Christopher Hain
Associate Research Scientist

19 October 2016


UMD_Div_ResUniversity of Maryland Division of Research's Research Leaders Award

Zhanqing Li

19 October 2016


AMS_Fellow2017 Class of Fellows of the American Meteorological Society

Zhanqing Li

4 October 2016


Gold_MedalU.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal (News)

Thomas Smith
NOAA Physical Scientist and CICS Visiting Research Scientist

30 September 2016


NWANational Weather Association Annual Meeting Third Place Winner for Undergraduate Student Posters 

Douglas Kahn
Undergraduate Research Assistant

15 September 2016


STAR_CertificateNOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research Individual Award

Xi Shao
Assistant Research Professor

23 June 2016


STAR_CertificateNOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research Individual Award

Yong Chen
Assistant Research Scientist

23 June 2016


STAR_CertificateNOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and ResearchTeam Award

Alejandro Egido
Assistant Research Scientist

23 June 2016


STAR_CertificateNOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and ResearchTeam Award

Manik Bali
Faculty Specialist

23 June 2016


NADPNational Atmospheric Deposition Program Letter of Commendation

Paul Kelly
Faculty Specialist

2 June 2016


Bronze_MedalNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Bronze Medal (for providing the authorative source of sea surface temperatures for climate research)

Thomas Smith
NOAA Physical Scientist and CICS Visiting Research Scientist

24 May 2016


ESA_2016Ecological Society of America Innovations in Sustainability Science Award

Ariana Sutton-Grier
Assistant Research Scientist

23 March 2016


AMS_HSAMS Certificate of Outstanding Achievement for Ability and Creativity in an Atmospheric Science Exhibit at the Eleanor Roosevelt High School Science and Engineering Fair

Kayla Brown
High School Intern

February 2016


AMS_AwardThird Place for Student Oral Presentation at the AMS 6th Annual Conference on Research to Operations

Michael Natoli
Undergraduate Student Intern

January 2016


JoHAMS Journal of Hydrometeorology Editor's Award

Viviana Maggioni
Research Scientist

January 2016


AMS_AwardThird Place Winner for Poster Presentation in the 6th Annual AMS R2O Conference Student Competition

Doug Kahn
Undergraduate Research Assistant

January 2016


ESSIC_CertificateUMD Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Best Paper of 2015

Tom Newman
Assistant Research Scientist

11 December 2015


NESDISNESDIS Outstanding Science and Research Employees of the Year for STAR’s Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division (News)

Xi Shao, Bin Zhang & Yan Bai
Assistant Research Professor, Post-Doctoral Associate, Senior Faculty Specialist

10 December 2015


TOVSBest Paper for the International TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) Study Conference (News)

Yong Chen
Assistant Research Scientist

3 November 2015


STAR_CertificateNOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research Team Award for Innovation (Real-Time Aerosol Products Algorithmn)

Jingfeng Huang
Assistant Research Scientist

3 September 2015


WRRWater Resources Research Journal's Editor's Choice Award for 2014

Robert Adler & Huan Wu,
Research Scientist & Associate Research Scientist

15 July 2015


AMS_AwardAmerican Meteorological Society Joanne Simpson Mentorship Award

Eugenia Kalnay
Distinguished Professor

15 June 2015


ESAecoEarly Career Fellow of the Ecological Society of America

Ariana Sutton-Grier
Assistant Research Scientist

18 May 2015


HumboldtHumboldt Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

Zhanqing Li

20 May 2015


GOES-R_Proving_GroundBest Paper Award for the 6th Annual NOAA Testbeds and Proving Grounds Workshop

Michael Folmer
Faculty Assistant

16 May 2015


UMD_Div_ResUniversity of Maryland Division of Research's Research Leaders Award

Melissa Kenney
Assistant Research Professor

10 May 2015


ngprDissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research: New Generation Polar Research Leader

Alek Petty
Post-Doctoral Associate

9 May 2015


Science_FairSecond Place in the Category of Earth and Planetary Science at the 67th Annual Prince George's Area Science Fair

Matthew Bielec
High School Intern

21 March 2015


NASA-group-achievement-award-thumbnailRobert Goddard NASA Group Achievement Award for Outstanding GPM Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm

Ralph Ferraro & Nai-Yu Wang
NOAA Physical Scientist/CICS Visiting Research Scientist and Assistant Research Scientist



agu-honors-prize-awardAmerican Geophysical Union Yoram J. Kaufman Unselfish Cooperation in Research Award

Zhanqing Li

15 December 2014


NOSNOAA National Ocean Service Assistant Administrator Special Recognition Group Award for Hurricane Sandy Recovery Efforts

Arianna Sutton-Grier
Assistant Research Scientist

December 2014


Sigma_XiSigma Xi Young Investigator Award

Melissa Kenney
Assistant Research Professor

December 2014


NOSNOAA National Ocean Service Letter of Commendation for work on the Chesapeake Bay Operational Forecast System

Bin Zhang
Post-Doctoral Associate

December 2014


NOAA_TechNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Technology Transfer Award

Ralph Ferraro
NOAA Physical Scientist and CICS Visiting Research Scientist

4 November 2014


NOSNOAA National Ocean Service Group Peer Recognition "Rafting" Award

Christopher Brown
NOAA Physical Scientist and CICS Visiting Research Scientist

October 2014


WRRWater Resources Research Journal's Editor's Choice Award for 2015 (News)

Melissa Kenney,
Assistant Research Professor

21 July 2014


NODCNOAA National Oceanographic Data Center Certification of Appreciation the first automated archive process with an Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)

Mathew Biddle
Faculty Assistant

16 June 2014


Framed_STARNOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research Leadership Award (News)

Ralph Ferraro
NOAA Physical Scientist and CICS Visiting Research Scientist

30 May 2014


STAR_CertificateNOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research Team Award for CrIS SDR (News)

Yong Chen & Likun Wang
Assistant Research Scientist & Associate Research Scientist

30 May 2014


STAR_CertificateNOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research Publication Award (News)

Likun Wang
Associate Research Scientist

30 May 2014


NASA-group-achievement-award-thumbnailRobert Goddard NASA Group Achievement Award for efforts to deploy a Lightning Mapping Array in Sao Paulo, Brazil as part of the CHUVA field campaign

Scott Rudlosky
NOAA Physical Scientist and CICS Visiting Research Scientist



Bronze_Medal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Bronze Medal for the first satellite-based operational snowfall rate product

Huan Meng
NOAA Physical Scientist and CICS Visiting Research Scientist

20 May 2014


UMD_Grad_SchoolUniversity of Maryland Graduate School Ann Wylie Green Fund Fellowship (News)

Katherine Lukens
Graduate Research Assistant III

20 April 2014


NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship (News)

Michael Natoli
Undergraduate Research Assistant

14 April 2014


ESSIC_CertificateUMD Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Employee of the Year

Debra Baker
CICS-MD Coordinator

15 December 2013


UMDUniversity of Maryland Henry E. Fleming Undergraduate Scholarship (News)

Katherine O'Brien
Undergraduate Research Assistant



UMDUniversity of Maryland Rick Jordan Undergraduate Scholarship Award (News)

Michael Natoli
Undergraduate Research Assistant


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