Divya Chappa and mentor Sampa Das (NASA) investigated the variability of aerosol loading over the southern Africa biomass burning region.
Joshua Choi and Cristina Zhang worked together with mentors Xi Shao, Sirish Uprety, and Bin Zhang to identify stable ocean sites for thermal emissive band inter-calibration for METimage and VIIRS.
Samantha Engler and mentor Michael Evans worked to identify spatial and temporal patterns of sea surface temperature and coral bleaching heat stress from satellite data.
S. Mohammad Ghaemi and mentor Isaac Moradi developed Python tools for the visualization of spaceborne radar measurements.
Linfred Kingston and mentors Hyelim Yoo and Fangfang Yu processed data for validation and calibration of GOES-R satellite Advanced Baseline Imager data and developed a loop with lunar images to show the moon transiting across space.
Dennis Kongoli and mentor Yongzhen Fan developed machine learning snowfall detection algorithms for MHS sensor using collocated ground weather reports and satellite measurements.
Clarence Lam and mentors Xi Shao and Bin Zhang developed Python code for satellite image geolocation and spacecraft attitude monitoring.
Xinyue Li and mentors A. Surjalal Sharma and Xi Shao monitored power outages with VIIRS Day-Night Band during the 2021 winter storm in Texas.
Natalie Memarsadeghi and mentor Guangming Zheng constructed a training dataset to discriminate aquatic surface cover types from space.
Liem Nguyen and mentors Alex Kozyr and Liqing Jiang designed a new combined Ocean Carbon and Acidification Data System (OCADS) website.
Terrence Pierce and mentor Daile Zhang made improvements to the design and functionality of the Atmospheric Electricity Research and Training (AERT) website.
Selena Qiao and mentors Xi Shao and Wenhui Wang worked to verify simulated METImage data over a polar region.
Henry Santer and mentor Jonathon Poterjoy developed a visualization of ensemble uncertainty with contour boxplots.
Samantha Smith, Feng Pei Zhang, and Richard Zhou worked together with mentors Jun Dong and Hu Yang to build a microwave radiometer for cloud and rain observations.
Madelyn Walstrum and mentor Sarah O’Connor worked to compile a National Coral Reef Monitoring Program literature review.
Wei Wang and mentor Yalei You investigated the brightness temperature signature of snowfall over an Antarctic station.
Susan Wen and mentors Malarvizhi Arulraj and Veljko Petkovíc designed the new NOAA/STAR precipitation validation website.
Summer Intern
Joshua Choi
Xi Shao,
Sirish Uprety, &
Identifying stable ocean site for thermal emissive band inter-calibration for METimage and VIIRS View Slide
Samantha Engler
Michael Evans
Identifying spatial and temporal patterns of sea surface temperature and coral bleaching heat stress from satellite data View Slide
S. Mohammad Ghaemi
Isaac Moradi
Developing Python tools for the visualization of spaceborne radar measurements View Slide
Linfred Kingston
Hyelim Yoo &
Fangfang Yu
Processing data for validation and calibration of GOES-R satellite Advanced Baseline Imager data View Slide
Dennis Kongoli
Yongzhen Fan
Developing machine learning snowfall detection algorithms for MHS sensor using collocated ground weather reports and satellite measurements View Slide
Clarence Lam
Xi Shao &
Bin Zhang
Developing Python code for satellite image geolocation and spacecraft attitude monitoring View Slide
Xinyue Li
A. Surjalal Sharma
Monitoring power outages with VIIRS Day-Night Band during the 2021 winter storm in Texas View Slide
Natalie Memarsadeghi
Guangming Zheng
Constructing a training dataset to discriminate aquatic surface cover types from space View Slide
Liem Nguyen
Alex Kozyr &
Jiang Liqing
Designing a new combined Ocean Carbon and Acidification Data System (OCADS) website View Slide
Terrence Pierce
Daile Zhang
Improving the design and functionality of the Atmospheric Electricity Research and Training (AERT) website View Slide
Selena Qiao
Wenhui Wang
Verifying simulated METImage data over a polar region View Slide
Henry Santer
Jonathan Poterjoy
Visualizing ensemble uncertainty with contour boxplots View Slide
Samantha Smith
Jun Dong &
Hu Yang
Building a microwave radiometer for cloud and rain observations View Slide
Madelyn Walstrum
Sarah O’Connor
Compiling a National Coral Reef Monitoring Program literature review View Slide
Wei Wang
Yalei You
Investigating the brightness temperature signature of snowfall over an Antarctic station View Slide
Susan Wen
Malarvizhi Arulraj &
Veljko Petkovíc
Designing the new NOAA/STAR precipitation validation website View Slide
Feng Pei Zhang
Cristina Zhang
Richard Zhou