Session 1
Environmental Intelligence
Dr. Hugo Berbery & Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm (I) |
Welcome |
Dr. Antonio Busalacchi (I) |
Introduction |
Dr. Thomas Auligne (I) |
Keynote 1: Evolution and advancement of satellite data assimilation |
Dr. Satya Kalluri (I) |
NOAA/NESDIS Cooperative Institutes |
Dr. Jun Li (I) |
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) |
Dr. Steve Miller (I) |
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) |
Dr. Hugo Berbery (I) |
Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS) |
Dr. Reza M. Khanbilvardi (I) |
Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Center (CUNY) |
Session 2
Disaster Forecasting Chair: Ashley Griffin
Kenneth Pryor |
Thunderstorm Downburst Prediction: An Integrated Remote Sensing Approach |
Karina Apodaca |
Incorporation of the GOES-R GLM lightning data assimilation into the NCEP operational Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation System |
Ali Hamidi |
Spatiotemporal Variation of Extreme Rainfall Events in Greater New York Area |
Luis E. Ortiz |
Modeling New York City impacts on Long Island weather and energy demand during the July 2010 heat wave |
Moises Angeles |
Assessment of SSTs on Extreme Climate Events in the Caribbean Region |
Session 3
Ecosystem Services Chair: Yalei You
Isabel Perez Hoyos |
Using Remote Sensing and Geospatial Data Sets to Delineate Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in the United States |
Mariana C. Leon-Perez |
Long-term monitoring of seagrasses using a WV-2 satellite image, historical aerial photography and field data |
William J Hernandez |
High-resolution bottom albedo images and benthic habitat classification to develop baseline management tools in Natural Reserves |
Session 4
Environmental Monitoring: Hydrosphere/Cryosphere Chair: Equisha Glenn
James Beauchamp |
Two Prototype Hail Detection Algorithms Using the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) |
Sheekela Baker-Yeboah |
Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Climate Data Record |
Yaoxian Huang |
Monitoring of IR Clear-sky Radiances over Oceans for SST (MICROS) for Himawari-8 AHI |
Shahabeddin Afshari-Tork |
Application of Remote Sensing in Developing Idealized Flow Conditions in River Network Simulation |
Simon Kraatz |
River ice monitoring (AQUA) via screening-in thin cloud data and its validation |
Robert Foster |
Improved monitoring of coastal and open oceans through polarized Sun and sky glint characterization |
Yalei You |
A Prototype Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm over Land for ATMS |
Patrick Meyers |
GPROF2010 Updates for AMSR2 Precipitation Retrievals |
Session 5a
Future Satellites
Dr. Patrick O'Shea (I) |
Introduction |
Jaime Daniels (I) |
Keynote 2: The Anticipation of GOES-R and Meeting User Expectations Part 1 Part 2 |
Session 5b
Communicating Environmental Information Chair: Katherine Lukens
Brian Vant-Hull |
Statistical Modelling of the Urban Heat Island: High School through Grad School |
Peter Dorofy |
Establishing a geospatial Intelligence Pipeline through Earth SySTEM Education |
Rocky Garcia |
The Valley of the Sun Enhancing Extreme Heat Intervention and Preparedness Activities in Maricopa County, AZ |
Session 6a
Satellite Calibration and Validation Chair: Laura Dunlap
Sirish Uprety |
Radiometric comparison of GOSAT TANSO-FTS and Suomi NPP VIIRS 1.6µm CO2 absorption band |
Xinjia Zhou |
In situ SST Quality Monitor version2 (iQuam2) |
Yanni Ding |
Regional validation and potential enhancements to NOAA polar ACSPO SST products |
Xiaoxu Tian |
A Physical Model for Television Frequency Interference (TFI) Correction of AMSR2 Data over Ocean near U. S. and Europe |
Session 6b
Environmental Monitoring: Air Quality Chair: Meredith Nichols
Shelbi Tippett |
Remote Sensing Monitoring of Canadian Wildfire Smoke and it's Impact on Baltimore Air Quality |
Yonghua Wu |
Observation of Smoke and Dust Plume Transport and Impact on the Air Quality Remote Sensing in New York City |
Ariana Atwell |
Analysis of the Evolution of the Nabro Eruption aerosol using CALIPSO and a HYSPLIT Trajectory Model |
Session 7
Environmental Monitoring: Winds & Clouds Chair: Daniel Orozco
Mark Arend |
Monitoring the urban atmosphere in NYC using vertical profilers and surface stations to inform models and benefit society |
Brian Carroll |
Dual Doppler Lidar Wind Profiling in the Lidar Uncertainty Measurement Experiment (LUMEX) |
Alexandra St. Pe |
Improving Offshore Wind Energy Resource Estimates Using Wind Lidar: Research to Operation |
Brent McBride |
Polarimetric remote sensing with the Hyper-Angular Rainbow Polarimeter, 3U CubeSat: Paving the way for economical, science-quality aerosol and cloud droplet size distribution data |
Andrew Jongeward |
Anthropogenic influence on decadal aerosol trends and aerosol-cloud interactions over the western North Atlantic Ocean |
Zaw Thet Han |
The effect of anthropogenic aerosols on cloud properties and climate forcings |
Nathan Hosannah |
An Investigation of Convection and Aerosol-Effects on Storms in the Tropics (CAST) |
David Melecio-Vazquez |
New York Metro-Area Boundary Layer Catalogue: Boundary Layer Height and Stability Conditions from Long-Term Observations |
Doug Kahn |
Capabilities and Limitations of New Lightning Data Sets in Operations |
Anton Kliewer |
Motivation and Impact of Non-Gaussian Humidity-Temperature 1DVAR Satellite Retrievals |
Joan Manuel Castro Sanchez |
Rainfall Nowcasting Algorithm Based Hydro-Estimator Data and detecting warm raining clouds |
David M. Loveless |
Integrated Observations and Applications with the SSEC Portable Atmosphere Research Center |
Yoribaldis Olivo |
Mapping Building Energy Consumption in New York City |
Andrea Gomez |
Effects of Heat Temperature Stress on Coral's Fluorescence and Reflectance |
Burcu Kabatas |
Nested RAQMS/WRF-CHEM/GSI aerosol data assimilation experiments during the April 2008 Saharan Dust Event |
Carlos Carrizo |
Polarization characteristics of light in water and their impact on TOA radiances |
Christian Sias |
Examining Planetary Boundary Layer Using Ceilometers |
Daniel Orozco |
Hygroscopicity Measurements of Aerosol Particles in the San Joaquin Valley, CA, Baltimore, MD, and Golden, CO |
David Gonzalez Chevere |
Estimation of Lidar 1064 nm aerosol backscatter using Ceilometer 910nm and Artificial Neural Network |
Adrian Diaz |
Active Stand-Off Detection of Gas Leaks Using an Open-Path Quantum Cascade Laser Sensor in a Backscatter Configuration |
Carlos Wah |
Rainfall Rate Relation Validation for Dual Polarized X-band Radar Network in Western PR |
Equisha Glenn |
Investigation of recent SST warming impacts on precipitation variations in the Intra-Americas Region, 1982-2012 |
Estefania Alvarez |
An Automated Procedure for Correcting the NWS National Digital Forecast Database Wind Speed Product for Puerto Rico |
Glorianne M. Rivera-Santiago |
Evolution and structure of night time waves and bores |
Jose Pillich |
Urban Livability Index(ULI): Identifying At-Risk Populations and the Interconnected Factors of the Urban Heat Island Effect |
Qin Liu |
Doppler Lidar System Comparison using Discover AQ Data |
Steven Buckner |
Comparing OMPS and MLS Ozone Data in Preparation for SAGE III |
Yohsiang Hsu |
Los Angeles Urban Heat Island: Changing City and Climate |
Cassandra Calderella |
Synoptic Mapping of North Polar Sea Ice Melt/Freeze and Landscape Freeze/Thaw State: Assessment of the North Polar Climate System Using Microwave Remote Sensing and Modelling |
Christopher Spells |
Hyper-spectral Retrievals from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) During the NOAA Aerosol and Ocean Science Expeditions (AEROSE) |
Ivan Valerio |
Characterization of the Dynamic Properties of the Planetary Boundary Layer using the Coherent Doppler Lidar at CCNY |
Jun Park |
Inter-satellite calibration of GCOM-W1 AMSR-2 Brightness Temperature |